A lot of misinformation in the comments...

Kiki February 29, 2024 10:05 pm

So, I'll share a link: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7292083/. For a quote:

"Female ejaculation or squirting is a well‐known phenomenon among urologists, but there are no scientific articles on mSQ, despite this term being widely used in mass media. In this case study, we describe the first recording of mSQ using color Doppler ultrasonography. We show that mSQ is a phenomenon in which urine in the bladder gushes out from the external urethral orifice due to strong contraction of prostate and pelvic striated muscles, if penile stimulation is continued after ejaculation. These results provide the first scientific basis for a publicly known phenomenon." msQ= male squirting

*Anyway* back to the story:

We are truly at the bottom of the barrel when someone wearing a condom and being a considerate human being is "sexy" why am I still here with this story. Sigh. :(
