Hazuki is young and doesn't have much experience relationship-wise (the two of them actual...

Seiren February 29, 2024 8:39 pm

Hazuki is young and doesn't have much experience relationship-wise (the two of them actually). On top of that, his children are a sensible topic. I remember back them when he had some insecurities cause he didnt know how to take care of his baby (and he listened how his partner was praising the other guy for being good with kids) On top of that, he is the family provider and works a lot, he is tired, but he worries and knows he has to make more time to spend with his family (when he woke up he was just thinking that) I think he believes he should do everything and if he doesn't he could lose or affect his family. I think he is really overwhelmed and this and his jealousy met in the worst way. Maybe in that second he felt displaced listening to this other guy talking about having some time with Naoto and the children. Is his immaturity showing basically. In a really bad way. What he said was extremely hurting. Naoto is still learning how to value himself as an omega, he has his share of bad experiences, and bringing back those bad experiences to disguise his jealousy and insecurities as concern was a low blow.

I'm expecting a big meaningful apology. And some character grow.

    umu February 29, 2024 9:14 pm


    JihoochiLee March 1, 2024 12:50 am

    Yeah he did turned into a parent pretty young