
LucidNarwal February 29, 2024 7:33 pm

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but "They did this to you? I'll kill them", "I won't let you die alone", "You need me", "It's not as if we only had today" sounds pretty much like "As soon as we stop being this horny for being apart for so long, I'll move with you so we can work together and watch each other's back".

I know this is a flashback, I know that didn't happen because TJ disappeared leaving Ian behind to protect him and push him away from this kind of life. But sensing Ian finally choosing to come back to that hell he wanted to leave just to try to protect TJ makes the situation extra painful.

I know there is quite a road to go, so since at the moment seems pretty obvious that TJ and Ian belong to each other, I'm curious (and scared as fuck) about how everything will be developed to include Jo in the equation.

Ian is not the most charismatic mc out there and I think that it being hard to fully empathize with him despite his traumas is on purpose, so I stand with my idea that TJxAlive&Happy is my perfect endgame for now. Hopefully he'll achieve that with Ian at his side<3

    Lara February 29, 2024 7:45 pm

    Yes yes yess (/TДT)/

    hatdiggitydog February 29, 2024 7:46 pm

    right?? like ian wanted to escape this life so bad and even escape tj himself, but it's kinda wild the reaction ian had when he saw tj have an attempt on his life. ian just gave up everything he worked and even went to prison for to decide to come back to that life and kill the people who would dare do anything to tj.

    i actually feel like maybe this is ian's final part, like once he kills those other fuckers and he knows tj would be safe he might still decide to leave or be with joe or leave them both and move on. idk why it feels like the final farewell to that part of his life but we'll still have to see.

    LucidNarwal February 29, 2024 8:05 pm
    right?? like ian wanted to escape this life so bad and even escape tj himself, but it's kinda wild the reaction ian had when he saw tj have an attempt on his life. ian just gave up everything he worked and even... hatdiggitydog

    Ian ending up alone has crossed my mind ngl (my fave scenario is him and TJ enjoying margaritas on one of the Cali house balconies, as I said on tw last week), but I don't know about him entering hell again, for TJ's sake, and then leaving for good.

    I mean those two panels, "you need me" and "it's not as if we only had today", both give this kinda anxious feeling as if there were an implicit "right?" at the end. Ian is on the coldish/detached side, I don't recall a lot of times in which he said things like this. This is the first time Ian explicitly says he wants to go back, so why TJ isn't celebrating that? That's why my delulu self wants to believe that he needs to be sure that TJ still wants him at his side and that he won't be pushed away. I mean, we see Ian wanting to be at TJ's side here, when it mostly seems that it's TJ who lives only because of Ian's existence.

    As much as Jo seems an extra, the expression-of-emotions imbalance between Ian and TJ is hurtful, so yeah, this little reciprocity on Ian's side due to the despair of being apart is what I choose to believe<3

    hatdiggitydog February 29, 2024 8:15 pm
    Ian ending up alone has crossed my mind ngl (my fave scenario is him and TJ enjoying margaritas on one of the Cali house balconies, as I said on tw last week), but I don't know about him entering hell again, fo... LucidNarwal

    yess ian and tj barely ever talk about their serious relationship matters in such an emotional way like "you need me" or "i'll kill all those fuckers". i think ian you're right ian felt kinda shut off when tj told him don't come to the funeral and then started arguing with him in the car. it felt to me that ian felt anxious kinda just like you said, on the inside like he wasn't sure if tj still needs him by his side.

    i think tj isn't celebrating because he doesn't want ian to come back? idk i have one theory i believe. even though tj was shown to literally tell ian "don't leave the gang you know i need you by my side" when they were way younger and ian was thinking of quitting. now tj's kinda switched up i hope it gets revealed why soon.

    my theory is that i'm not exactly sure what was the turning point for tj, but he didn't seem to want ian to come back to the gang or be involved in anything, even including jason's funeral. in the car when he was telling ian off about never listening, it struck me as odd that tj wasn't happy that ian was kind of slowly being involved with the gang again. so that's what i deduced so far idk

    LucidNarwal February 29, 2024 8:41 pm
    yess ian and tj barely ever talk about their serious relationship matters in such an emotional way like "you need me" or "i'll kill all those fuckers". i think ian you're right ian felt kinda shut off when tj t... hatdiggitydog

    What I said about TJ not celebrating was meant to be Ian's inner question. Like "I'm giving him what he wants, why he's not smirking". We know now that TJ doesn't want Ian to be involved in the gang's activities again. He loves Ian, and they both grew up on the streets together. But as TJ said, he doesn't know what he's capable of doing anymore at this point, and even getting killed is an option. He doesn't want that for Ian, Ian surpassing his own limits, putting him again in that spot of killing and not feeling anything.
    I think it wasn't casual that Doyak showed us that scene of TJ and Jason talking about love and goals, and how the goals and money come first, love at the end, and never too close to provoke a fire that ruins it all. I wonder if at the end TJ's arc will be related to this.

    About the turning point for TJ, there are LOTS of things we don't know yet. David Kim for example, and there were also some weird flashback panels that have no context. I think he always loved Ian and he never cared about hiding it (with actions at least--they're more than family, more than lovers), so it certainly had to be something that changed the game for him about Ian's safety. Maybe it simply was facing how easy it'd be to Jamie to kill him idk

    hatdiggitydog February 29, 2024 11:08 pm
    What I said about TJ not celebrating was meant to be Ian's inner question. Like "I'm giving him what he wants, why he's not smirking". We know now that TJ doesn't want Ian to be involved in the gang's activitie... LucidNarwal

    yes exactly so many random flashbacks that provide us with the littlest bits and pieces that honestly confuse me lmao. i'm waiting for the day when their lore is explained and i can finally understand why they both are the way they are and what happened throughout their life.

    i think jason definitely had a huge impact on tj and ian's relationship, especially tj and jason's convo like you said about love and all that. that was probably a huge part that affected tj's actions toward ian. also for sure reality hit tj when he realised that jamie has started making a move and could kill him anytime, so he definitely feared for ian as well, even in his thoughts when he thought "i'm so relieved it's not you" that had the accident.