also, there was so much going on at once, it almost feels like the author had too many ideas and didn’t know which ones to pick and just dropped everything in there. there flashback were confusing, some stuff was just completely let go off and not mentioned again like i just,, yeah i didn’t like this.
i understood the story in the end like it made sense but it shouldn’t feel like i’m studying for school when i’m just trying to understand a storyline like what ???
anyways i just wanted to add this.

rlly don’t get the point of this comment i haven’t even read this yet but, you can leave your comment and rant all you want but somehow people aren’t allowed to react to what you say? you “don’t want to hear it” ?? HABDJSBAHAAHAH just seems so unnecessary, if you don’t like something why not just leave it alone?? and yeah i think you are the only one who feels like this, every other comment in here is positive that’s why your comment leaves such a bad, unnecessary taste in the mouth. anw if you feel entitled to your opinion you should be open to others questioning that opinion too

honestly I completely get u girl, I went into this because I saw it on insta and after finishing it I was satisfied with certain things like Damon's character, how realistic everything felt basically, like a story between two real people, the fashion was great too, but the story itself just felt...bland? Like I can't explain it, I liked it, yet I wouldn't really re-read it. Kinda forgettable and Colton was just meh to me idk
i think i’m gonna be one of the only ones here who didn’t like this and this is just my opinion so don’t feel attacked,, i don’t wanna hear it
this has been so hyped by everyone be it on tik tok, insta or just anyone i know that has read this that i came here with high expectation. i’ve also read the other story from which damon comes from (like a year or two ago idk) so i was really looking forward to this. i let it marinate and didn’t even get spoiled lo like i was REALLY hyped.
now i’m disappointed. i’m sorry but i didn’t feel any chemistry between them, uke is a rapist because being drunk and saying yes isn’t consent you idiots. storyline didn’t make any sense, author was trying to be all mysterious “yk what i want you to say” no we don’t, you don’t disclose any of your feelings and there was NOTHING that showed that they like each other. it just felt super forced to me and i didn’t feel like they liked each other.
don’t even get me started on dylan and silver hairs relationship because THAT was fucking weird