Sorry to bring up some IRL matters... but this hit close to home

Shou February 29, 2024 10:43 am

the first few chapters really remind me of my Pa.

My old lady often tell me stories from the past, she told me that he was quite an awkward but cute person and his method was also similar to this Li Shu fellow in the past when he was pursuing her,

And years later (currently), his personality is pretty similar to the present Li Shu. A control freak, some degree of superiority complex, self-righteous, insufferable, unable to do self-reflection, and too much of public image conscious.

Ever heard the saying: "I'm never in the wrong, its you that's in the wrong"... or something like that?

That's why this story hit "differently".

The only aspect that ML has better is that this fellow took things "calmly" and not just raise his voice.
