Girl, you need to have like some kind of schizophrenic mental illness
What are you even talking about everything that me and Bailey bot are saying our literally the smallest stupidest things and both y’all are taking it and it fucking exploding
And yes, it definitely defines me as a person since I’m the one that agrees with rape and sexual assault **thats all you bae but pop off
I’m definitely such a bad person since I think rape is cute just like you do

Trust me honey I know he’s a fucking weirdo. He literally sent us both 500 page essays when we called him cringe.
Both of those morons have to at least be 50 years old and they think that they’re Gen z
The only reason they’re on this app, reading these weird ass comics about men
Is because they think that they’re young when they’re in reality so fucking old they’re just pedophiles

Bro “Aloha”
Is the other account of that weird guy that is like the “protector” of whatever the fuck -long ass stupid username
That’s his other account and he’s playing it off like this person is supporting him. Trust me this idiot literally linked this account on his profile. It’s his account he’s just a moron.
I actually think this bitch is schizophrenic and mental because he’s literally describing how the Manwah is talking to us, and like tagging us, which makes no fucking sense
I’m not even reading any of his bullshit because he can’t even properly write or use grammar, or even use his brain
I’m not even gonna listen to the other bitch because she keeps talking about her vagina
Just ignore both of them. They’re both actually fucking slow and dumb as fuck.

Scared???? Bitch whatttttt BAHHAAAAHAAA
I realized you're too dumb. You're not worth my time anymore since you dropped the album. Anyone would be able to tell you're a LIAR from the screenshots. so I decided to toss you away cause you got boring. I was expecting more fake screenshots though. But now, you're just a weird little freak. Won't waste my time on a 14-year-old. Add this to the album too.
You were entertaining! I'd give you that!

Yeah, she just exposed them.
“ She is a pedophile that’s why she’s doing so much”
They are doing so much.
They created many fake accounts and doing so much.
They create drama in the question area and other parts about us. They are doing so much
Almost 4 weeks of doing to much with impersonating others as they spam the walls.
Months of harassment = doing too much .
Now BaileyBot with two of those impersonators
fabricates a bunch of BS = doing too much they really are doing too much.
BaileyBot take post for an album that doesn’t support them. She stalked his topics. She is doing so much because she is the pedophile.
All the cyberstalkers are doing so much because they are pedophiles.
Meli exposed herself and everyone doing so much against a few people.
he started this job to acquire money for his grandma's hospital bills. now that the opportunity to finally save his grandma comes up, his selfish, stupid love for jaekyung gets in the way. he chose jaekyung over his grandma. he should've accepted to work for the other company after being provided proof that his grandma would actually get the help she needs.