
I think he would be later, as now he’s still hurt from how the uke ghosted him so yeah. He tried almost everything for his cope mechanism since he was betrayed and hurt so much so thats why the manipulation. THATS WHY HE BIT HIS LIPS GAHH BCS HE WANTS THE UKE BUT HES STILL HURT lmao basically he is me with my ex
It would have been the best if he did not include the “will fine someone/ other partner” shit. It’s like he’s telling the uke that he’s fine with anyone though he really wanted the uke so much. Well, maybe it’s just me, but I always want the seme to be head over heels to their uke to the point that they can’t/won’t hurt them in any kind of way. Just like this one, seme portraying that he’s fine with anyone.