About the dad....

lilithcain February 28, 2024 10:30 am

About the dad....VERY controversial maybe but think Its way more complicated than 'he's a bad person'. he really effed up in the past but nobody's perfect (and someone commented here it might have even been post partum depression from the environment he was in) and all his actions since he re-appeared in the story so far have just been because he wants to be with his child again.

admittedly he did it with ZERO!! tact but ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ultimately this is just a webtoon lol but irl i'd feel a certain amount of sympathy for the dad for sure. In the next chapter it seems teaju's gonna really lay into him which will be a mix of satisfying and a bit of bummer to watch

also, the only real villain here is the alpha dad imho

    Avora February 28, 2024 12:20 pm

    I agree, I think the father should have started with visitation though not just taking the kid and cutting contact with his brother (more like his actual parent) no wonder it ended badly.

    I'd like to see the father become part of euiyoungs life, they both deserve to know each other and go from there slowly. Abandonment issues are tough to get over even if the patent comes back

    bLackwoLf23 February 28, 2024 2:15 pm
    I agree, I think the father should have started with visitation though not just taking the kid and cutting contact with his brother (more like his actual parent) no wonder it ended badly. I'd like to see the fa... Avora

    exactly lil one grow up without his real dad so just taking away the kid like that without knowing each other it'll coz more harm than good,

    gRaSsTaStEsGoOd February 28, 2024 2:36 pm

    he wouldn't have taken euiyoung with him if euihyun was financially stable and lived in a better place. oh well, if he really wants to be a dad to euiyoung, i hope he takes baby steps instead of leaps this time around

    bLackwoLf23 February 28, 2024 2:51 pm
    he wouldn't have taken euiyoung with him if euihyun was financially stable and lived in a better place. oh well, if he really wants to be a dad to euiyoung, i hope he takes baby steps instead of leaps this time... gRaSsTaStEsGoOd

    u got point their, exactly the dad should start by intruding himself properly to the lil one & tell or rather explain why he left him in the first place, the kid might not understand it but at least he get gist of it ( ̄∇ ̄")

    bLackwoLf23 February 28, 2024 2:52 pm
    u got point their, exactly the dad should start by intruding himself properly to the lil one & tell or rather explain why he left him in the first place, the kid might not understand it but at least he get ... bLackwoLf23

    damn typo, what i mean is the dad should INTRODUCE HIMSELF FIRST PROPERLY