Hm, I typically don’t like comparing these stories to real life but postpartum depression is a serious mental illness that has led many women to kill their children; so it isn’t such a stretch that it might be the cause for abandoning them. While I might not condone /excuse their actions I do empathize and understand it might impair one’s ability to think rationally and cause someone to act outside of the realms of how they wld normally behave.
I agree with you in the sense of being able to empathize and understand how one might act and end up in such situations due to postpartum depression, but to me that does not absolve them of their mistakes and treatment of others. I can’t not call them a bad person in this case. They may not be a bad person in general, and learn and atone for their mistakes, but they made a bad choice. And the fact that the father doesn’t acknowledge what his decision put both his sons through just…it doesn’t show any learning to me
The father isn’t a bad person in my opinion but he certainly acting rashly and selfish. I think he was going through some postpartum depression when he left that piece of shit baby daddy, but he still went about it all wrong. He tried to shift unfit parenting guilt on big bro to ease his own guilt for dipping on his new born. He shldnt have come in all hot on a little kid who literally doesn’t know your face from a hole in the wall. If he takes a step back and eases back into his kids life like he shld have and apologizes to them, then we all good. In the future they can have shared custody rather than his bs that he tried to pull.