i cant sympathize with the dad bc he didnt ask euiyoung n just "im here now, lets go" his way, even took it as far as "youre young euihyun, its better if hes with me" without a proper talk whatsoever, i get it he regretted leaving euiyoung behind, but to decide everything single handedly when the situation favors himself, he just seems like a jerk to me
he didnt even try to win euiyoung first n just take him away, you cant just leave your kid behind n take it whenever you pleases because u cant handle the guilt yk, despite everything, euihyun took care of euiyoung really well, it would be better if the father talk it through rather than saying "hes better with me" without a remorse

Victim to circumstances? Unless the parent is a drug addict or in prison , there is always a way to meet and be in touch with your child even if you can’t live under the same roof or meet regularly! Too young ? The big brother was there to help, two of them could work together and raise the child ,he left because no one wants a young omega with a child and it’s hard to enjoy the life with a baby to raise but didn’t care what would happen to the brother, as you said they’re the same age, he just came back and snatched the poor child because things were not working in his favor anymore and he was feeling lonely!
Him abandoning Euiyoung is an unforgivable action, but I cant help but feel sympathetic. My own mother was absent for a large part of my life, but she always wanted to have a relationship with me. Victim to circumstances. I can tell Euiyoung's dad loves him and wouldnt have put him through that if he had a better choice. If I recall correctly, dad is similar to his brother in age, so that'd mean he was a young parent too? It was ultimately the brother who stepped up despite having to go through hell, but lets be honest, not all of us are capable of doing the "noble" thing. I wish for Euiyoung's dad to reconcile with him in the future, if Euiyoung chooses so.