Awww isn't Shizuma such a lucky guy? He doesn't need to do anything. He has Minato, who ha...

Edea February 27, 2024 3:28 pm

Awww isn't Shizuma such a lucky guy? He doesn't need to do anything. He has Minato, who has to teach Shizuma how to be a decent boyfriend. He doesn't need to set boundaries, Minato could suck it up anyways. The dude has a perfect boyfriend who he doesn't even have to gaslight. Minato's own trauma makes him gaslight himself into believing that his totally and perfectly justified concerns are actually unjustified. You're such a lucky guy Shizuma, you can hide all your wrong doings under the "Minato is insecure because of his trauma" rug.

    Aie February 27, 2024 4:20 pm

    That’s what I’ve been saying. Just because Shizuma was brave enough to take on Minato from the very beginning which I could not do for sure, doesn’t mean that has to be the only thing he brings to the table. Others are saying, we side with Minato because he’s trying as if Shizuma isn’t. Where is he even trying? All he does is talk sweet and somehow still make Minao fall for it. Shizuma knows about Minato’s trauma and insecurities but does nothing about it and does not change his attitude with his boss. He can’t help it because it’s work? Is he getting paid for running errands for his boss, indulging his boss’ quirks of social ineptness, sitting with his boss in a cafe outside of work hours while he’s running late to a prearranged reconciliation date, trying to get to know his boss on a more personal level while thinking in the back of his mind what lies and excuses to tell Minato later, going shopping with his boss, and bringing his boss to date night? Shizuma knows he has an absenteeism problem but does nothing to reflect on himself for it and is just relying on Minato being more understanding about it than his ex just because Minato is more broken as a person and is more attached to him who knows about Minato’s past and has stayed despite it all. He can’t help it again because it’s work? He really should hurry up and set up boundaries. It would help not only his relationship with Minato but also improve his work environment so his colleagues and boss at least respect his approved request for time off and it’s not like he’s the only person there in case of emergency and over-all be a start to improving his work-life balance. As a person, his job should be taken seriously but it should also not be his identity.

    Seto February 27, 2024 7:42 pm

    Agreed. Minato should break up with him because clearly, communication doesn't get through to Shizuma's head. Having a lover like Shizuma is exhausting. There's a much of a pushover can you be? How many excuses do you have? How much does someone have to wait? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SAY NO? Minato is the one putting actual effort here for the relationship. How dumb can Shizuma be? I'm praying for the breakup to happen because Shizuma obviously doesn't reflect on himself. I'm so tired Minato has to be the one to put up with him.