Yall he aint fit my toxicty standard ಠ﹏ಠ

Princiecharming February 27, 2024 2:05 pm

Dawgg i thought he's that "toxic" (bc comments said so) imo dude were normal as hell or It's just bc i read worse male leads? That set my standard of toxicty higher lol But fr tho this story pretty cute, i'll not say It's "enemies to lover" trope, he's just showing dislike— after that 7 or 10 ch ahead he alrdy like her LMAO.

I deadass thought his reaction was normal (when he saw her alive and want her to be by his side 24/7) he aint near yandere he's just a "bit" obsessive... Kinda

Anyway his toxicty phase that yall said abt him wanting to lock her up bla bla bla, guess what? It's just lasted four (or so) damn chaps after that he turned pretty normal aka rational lol. He's just in his shock phase i mean dude Thought his lover dead and suddenly after whole ass 8 years and then he came to know his father was all behind his and her sufferings. So ig he's paranoid? Scared of her leaving him again, i deadass really thought this shit is normal

Idk yall i like this story, no misunderstanding shits no drama, It's just a few chps kinda a heartache for ML but welp they met again! ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

    bekla May 3, 2024 9:11 am

    fr where is the toxicity in that? That's f'ing normal, I too would go crazy if the one I love, whom I thought to be dead for 8 YEARS, Is alive all along.

    bekla May 3, 2024 9:12 am
    fr where is the toxicity in that? That's f'ing normal, I too would go crazy if the one I love, whom I thought to be dead for 8 YEARS, Is alive all along. bekla

    But it did lack transition between the chapters tho.