No but aside from the manga. The hate I am seeing in the hate for the director is disgusti...

Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 11:07 am

No but aside from the manga. The hate I am seeing in the hate for the director is disgusting. Srsly some of you need to leave the manga and touch grass outside. Like it's very very disgusting seeing all this shit. Mind you even if the director have interest on shizuma, it's not HER fault to see opportunity to spend time with him or getting close with him. Because it's not HER but SHIZUMA who fucking knows he in FUCKING relationship and HE SHOULD have some boundaries. If the change the gender of director and then make the story then people probably went "oohhhh, am I sensing some drama??? " Or "oohhh am I sensing some angst" And some fucking giggle shit. Like c'mon bro no wonder most people think that hetro woman read Bl's only to sexualize it. And most of you all only prove this point. Let's stop it. If shizuma had known about boundaries then he fucking would have said something about that but he did not. So the fault lies with him. And him only.

EDIT:- thank you very much for dislike. It's make me happy that this much people need to touch the grass outside. Please remember that most of you are Women too. I support women rights and NOT women wrong.

    Rhyda March 1, 2024 11:16 am
    Oh it’s good - I threw it on the bed - it kinda hit the wall - but she’s (my phone) a string one - honestly, I’m kinda thinking the author is starching this for no reason other than her own want? And yes ... Rhyda


    Prettyprettykaveh March 1, 2024 1:24 pm
    Oh it’s good - I threw it on the bed - it kinda hit the wall - but she’s (my phone) a string one - honestly, I’m kinda thinking the author is starching this for no reason other than her own want? And yes ... Rhyda

    I think it's more of fan service. Like you know when fan goes "Noooo!! I don't want to end it like this!!! " Or "I need more chapters!!!! " And some author really goes "yeah? Then TAKE THIS! TAKE ALL THE FRUSTATION AND ANGST." And yeah. Then we have this.

    Rhyda March 3, 2024 3:58 am
    I think it's more of fan service. Like you know when fan goes "Noooo!! I don't want to end it like this!!! " Or "I need more chapters!!!! " And some author really goes "yeah? Then TAKE THIS! TAKE ALL THE FRUSTA... Prettyprettykaveh

    ( ̄∇ ̄") weird ass way to give fan service but also not unseen - but honestly - I feel like it undermines the readers intelligence ?