No but aside from the manga. The hate I am seeing in the hate for the director is disgusti...

Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 11:07 am

No but aside from the manga. The hate I am seeing in the hate for the director is disgusting. Srsly some of you need to leave the manga and touch grass outside. Like it's very very disgusting seeing all this shit. Mind you even if the director have interest on shizuma, it's not HER fault to see opportunity to spend time with him or getting close with him. Because it's not HER but SHIZUMA who fucking knows he in FUCKING relationship and HE SHOULD have some boundaries. If the change the gender of director and then make the story then people probably went "oohhhh, am I sensing some drama??? " Or "oohhh am I sensing some angst" And some fucking giggle shit. Like c'mon bro no wonder most people think that hetro woman read Bl's only to sexualize it. And most of you all only prove this point. Let's stop it. If shizuma had known about boundaries then he fucking would have said something about that but he did not. So the fault lies with him. And him only.

EDIT:- thank you very much for dislike. It's make me happy that this much people need to touch the grass outside. Please remember that most of you are Women too. I support women rights and NOT women wrong.

    Rhyda February 27, 2024 10:53 am

    I agree with you but also like - why is someone pinning after a person who has a partner - like thats in bad tatse?

    larulair February 27, 2024 10:57 am

    You say that as if it's not pretty gross of the director to use her position as Shizuma's boss to coerce him into spending time with her, though. There's a power imbalance here, and literally in this chapter, she forces him to give up his free time to tag along when she could have chosen literally anyone else who was actually on duty. I'm not saying Shizuma is blameless—he's being so stupidly frustrating right now—but to say it's ONLY his fault and that she's not wrong for trying to grab every opportunity to spend time with a TAKEN MAN who is also her employee is pretty messed up.

    Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 10:59 am
    I agree with you but also like - why is someone pinning after a person who has a partner - like thats in bad tatse? Rhyda

    But that's the question here. Does SHE knows he is in relationship? Because I don't think she knows that. That only one who knows that he is in relationship is the staffs EXCLUDING her and his friend. So bro, tell me is it wrong to get closer to someone who you find interesting. And wr don't even know if she is interested in him. It's just litter snippets. If the getting closer thing would have happened in the other bls and then I believe me people would have butterflies in their stomach till now.

    Rhyda February 27, 2024 11:03 am
    But that's the question here. Does SHE knows he is in relationship? Because I don't think she knows that. That only one who knows that he is in relationship is the staffs EXCLUDING her and his friend. So bro, t... Prettyprettykaveh

    Now - good counter - but i THINK - i think she might know cause like the way she looked at minato the uke, that fuckin look - ugh -tells me maybe she knows?

    Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 11:03 am
    You say that as if it's not pretty gross of the director to use her position as Shizuma's boss to coerce him into spending time with her, though. There's a power imbalance here, and literally in this chapter, s... larulair

    And if the imbalance things happen in the other bl'd is also very pretty messed up. But I ain't see people complain then. Plus, I think I would like to bold this words in my comment that "BEFORE ANYONE. A TAKEN MAN KNOWS HE IS A TAKEN MAN." he ain't a child. So the taken man argument is pretty pointless and useless at this point

    Rhyda February 27, 2024 11:06 am
    But that's the question here. Does SHE knows he is in relationship? Because I don't think she knows that. That only one who knows that he is in relationship is the staffs EXCLUDING her and his friend. So bro, t... Prettyprettykaveh

    listen - that was a lil rude to you - I came off sounding mean - my bad, its a manga - idk why im gettig so worked up over it

    saggisilver February 27, 2024 11:12 am


    Director is a gay man

    larulair February 27, 2024 11:16 am

    Sorry but the fact that you think it's fine for a boss to "see opportunity" and force her employee to spend time with her outside of his working hours is pretty gross in my opinion. The director could have taken along literally anyone else who was actually on duty at the time in chapter 14, but no no, it had to be Shizuma, who is a taken man. Whether the director is a man or a woman (pretty sure it's the former, based on the cat's reaction in this chapter), there's a power imbalance at play here that the director is absolutely abusing to get what they want, and while Shizuma is also at fault, claiming that the director is doing nothing wrong is pretty messed up.

    larulair February 27, 2024 11:16 am
    Sorry but the fact that you think it's fine for a boss to "see opportunity" and force her employee to spend time with her outside of his working hours is pretty gross in my opinion. The director could have take... larulair

    sent the comment twice, not sure why it happened :V

    larulair February 27, 2024 11:24 am
    And if the imbalance things happen in the other bl'd is also very pretty messed up. But I ain't see people complain then. Plus, I think I would like to bold this words in my comment that "BEFORE ANYONE. A TAKEN... Prettyprettykaveh

    Okay, um, two things; the fact that it happens in other BLs doesn't excuse the fact that it's happening in this case; and Shizuma being taken reflects pretty damn badly on the director's character. I saw you say in another comment that it's not confirmed that they know he's taken, but the opposite is just as likely, seeing how frequently Shizuma's dating life is the topic of conversation at the veterninary clinic where they work. Nothing is confirmed, sure, but it's just as likely that the director does know that it is that they don't. So if they're going after a taken man, then yeah, they're a bad person.

    Again, yes, Shizuma needs to establish boundaries, he absolutely does, but when the person on the opposite end is your boss, that becomes a whole lot more complicated as it could affect his entire career. And him failing to do so STILL doesn't change the fact that the director is wrong for abusing their power imbalance! So your claim that the director is completely blameless is just so strange to me.

    Rhyda February 27, 2024 2:16 pm
    SpoilerDirector is a gay man saggisilver

    I had a feeling - BRO I FELT IT - I KNEW it

    Rhyda February 27, 2024 2:16 pm
    SpoilerDirector is a gay man saggisilver


    Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 3:26 pm
    listen - that was a lil rude to you - I came off sounding mean - my bad, its a manga - idk why im gettig so worked up over it Rhyda

    Nooooo! It's okay!! I can get what you and other people are feeling but some comment are really disgusting and unhealthy. Even though I know all time of people comment but still. So yeah! It's fine with me!! Don't worry!!!

    Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 3:31 pm
    Okay, um, two things; the fact that it happens in other BLs doesn't excuse the fact that it's happening in this case; and Shizuma being taken reflects pretty damn badly on the director's character. I saw you sa... larulair

    No no! Wait! I don't think director is blameless. The words may came out like that because of auto correct and how fast I am typing it's really not. My issues are the comments. Like they pissed me off really bad. They are disgusting and just plain disgusting. It's just I think it's hypocrisy that if this same dynamic happens in other Bl then people smell "Potential Male Lead" But if this happened with opposite gender, then they start dissing and belittling the woman. And it's made me go like??? Like yeah some woman are plain bitch in some mangas but not every woman are like that?? And yeah. What this manga need is solid communication.

    Prettyprettykaveh February 27, 2024 3:32 pm
    SpoilerDirector is a gay man saggisilver


    saggisilver February 27, 2024 3:37 pm

    What're you talking about lol this spoiler was also everywhere

    larulair February 28, 2024 1:27 am
    No no! Wait! I don't think director is blameless. The words may came out like that because of auto correct and how fast I am typing it's really not. My issues are the comments. Like they pissed me off really ba... Prettyprettykaveh

    Okay, I mean, your initial comment said that "So the fault lies with him. And him only." in reference to Shizuma, so it kinda made it seem like you thought the director was doing absolutely nothing wrong in this situation... that's what I took issue with.

    Personally I think regardless of the director's gender, the reason people hate them right now is because they're the one forcing themselves in the way of the main couple's romantic progress. Like yeah, obviously, if there was no Minato around, then the director wanting to spend time with Shizuma wouldn't be seen as equally taboo, but from the readers' perspective, the director is an obstacle to the romantic lead achieving their happy ending. In other words, the director is the antagonist right now. It doesn't matter if they're a woman or a man (in this case, it seems they are indeed a man); it matters that their actions have, on several occasions already, caused damage to Shizuma and Minato's relationship.

    I understand your point that if this was a regular BL dynamic of "boss at veterinary clinic falls in love with employee" then it would be its own separate thing that people wouldn't take issue with, but that's not applicable to this situation, because that's not the story here. What we have right now is "boss at veterinary clinic develops a fondness for employee and forces him to spend time togehter even though employee already has a boyfriend". They're two completely different scenarios, neither of which have anything to do with gender.

    Rhyda February 28, 2024 2:06 pm

    Yall please tell me you read the latest updates - I had a fight myself form throwing my phone - thoughts?

    Prettyprettykaveh February 28, 2024 4:16 pm
    Yall please tell me you read the latest updates - I had a fight myself form throwing my phone - thoughts? Rhyda

    Please tell me you didn't throw away your phone too hardly?

    Rhyda March 1, 2024 11:16 am
    Please tell me you didn't throw away your phone too hardly? Prettyprettykaveh

    Oh it’s good - I threw it on the bed - it kinda hit the wall - but she’s (my phone) a string one - honestly, I’m kinda thinking the author is starching this for no reason other than her own want? And yes it is her work - but this seems unnecessary and she could have fixed their problems like 5 chapters ago.