
That’s honestly fair I don’t know which one would be better narratively because if she was important to his story, you think she would be more relevant But to just introduce someone at the very end also isn’t very satisfying so it’s ehh either way but I still would prefer it to him being alone because I think it sends a worse message because he’s a good friend he just hasn’t been a good friend to her which is the problem.
I’m so glad so many people are starting to see the light about him. We are. He isn’t a bad person. He just goes about what he wants in a very bad way. Because he ultimately wants the same exact thing that the ML wants which is to protect his loved ones but Oushi wants to keep them in a place where he can protect them forever them while ML wants to do it in a different way. I will be sad if he ends the series single I will be pissed simply because of the genre and this is one of those genres where nobody ends up single so if he does, I will be mad, but his love interest would’ve been introduced already.