
Ari_B) February 26, 2024 1:27 pm

People argue it's okay because they're not blood brothers, but I find it uncomfortable since some step-siblings consider each other family despite not sharing blood. It just feels so wrong, especially considering they grew up together as a family.

    whiteyuu February 26, 2024 3:45 pm

    you need to think about it this way: its their busnes just like being gay is their buisnis. some straight ppl feel uncomfortable with gay or lesbian ppl but thats also their buisniss don't imagine urself in that situation since u sare not the same feelings. of curse if u imagine urself like that its disgustinghahaha. i wouldn't wana think about my siblings or cousines like that too. hope that helped.

    Liyahbell4321 February 26, 2024 4:54 pm
    you need to think about it this way: its their busnes just like being gay is their buisnis. some straight ppl feel uncomfortable with gay or lesbian ppl but thats also their buisniss don't imagine urself in tha... whiteyuu

    Being gay and incest are not the same thing and don't even follow the same caliber there are a million reasons incest is wrong.

    whiteyuu February 26, 2024 5:49 pm
    Being gay and incest are not the same thing and don't even follow the same caliber there are a million reasons incest is wrong. Liyahbell4321

    yeah, it was just an example. i know incest is wrong but they arent biologicaly brothers this isnt incest.

    but i noticed just now that he basically groomed ((⊙…⊙ )him and made him emotionally dependent on him wich is very obvious and he admited ew

    Ari_B) February 27, 2024 1:07 am
    Being gay and incest are not the same thing and don't even follow the same caliber there are a million reasons incest is wrong. Liyahbell4321

    Thank you!!