Give Kloff a break SMH

Mitsu February 26, 2024 9:35 am

Ok I was reading the novel and when I read through the comments all I see is poor Aeroc he suffered this he sufferred that. I will say this again, ya'll forgot he got an innocent omega and a kid die a horrible death. Just because Aeroc's suferring was emphasized more doesn't mean that Kloff wasn't suffering too. My god having your wife and your kid die that way, you expect him to be sane? And the fact that despite this he still desired the one responsible for it? His guilt must have ran so deep he lost himself. If you can look past through Aeroc's sins why can't you do the same for Kloff? Because the wife and the kid were side characters? Imagine if instead of Rapiel it happened to Aeroc? I'm sure you guys would empathize with Kloff. They were both wounded and they were both broken. They were both sinners who suffered the consequences of their own actions.

    JustCallMeApple February 26, 2024 11:26 am

    People here feel more bad for Aeroc because Clough should have just sent Aeroc to jail, or just killed him. But he drugged him, raped him, beat him and impregnated him repeatedly. To add he even threw him to a pack of wolves.

    The problem with Clough was he wasn’t honest with what he felt, let’s be real since you read the novel. He was using Rapiel to get that stable life. That’s his right. But what he did after was what set the whole tragedy in motion, he purposefully stirred Aeroc by using Rapiel as an object to envy and hate. You saw how he smiled at Aeroc in s1, if you seriously love your wife and kid why use them as tools to spice up your life? He was partly to blame. And when he found out Aeroc was directly involved. It became a reason to finally do what he wanted. Aeroc was described as the pinnacle of aristocracy, someone he couldn’t touch. But since he did kill Rapiel, the tables have turned.

    Besides using your wife’s killer to replace your dead unborn kid, that’s the greatest insult to your their memories. Even Rapiel’s family would be repulsed by the idea that Clough did all of this to avenge Rapiel. Because it’s not justice! And going as far as naming his first born kid after Rapiel.

    The fact he didn’t care who he hurts adds more salt to everything. He wasn’t just hurting Aeroc, he did also hurt his kids. By forcing Aeroc to keep giving birth, the fourth kid was already small but he pushed for a fifth kid. Those two kids were born addicted to drugs! They had a harder time growing up. Proving that Clough doesn’t care who he hurts… because to him, his the biggest victim. He still blamed Aeroc for that btw… hahaha it was ludicrous

    It wasn’t revenge but Clough playing God. He went too far, it turned from revenge to just destroying Aeroc’s dignity. Which makes him far worse than Aeroc… that’s why his son look at him with so much horror because everything coming out of his mouth was utter bulls.

    My favorite part in Clough’s return was the realization that he corrupted Aeroc, he realized the part he played in Aeroc’s descent. When he admitted he did all of this out of inferiority complex. He was crying a lot in that arc. Because he finally realized all his bs… he hurt his kids and deprived them of a mom, Rapiel jr was right, he even injures Jester in the process. And when he saw Rapiel Westport marrying someone else and actually getting his happy ending, it was a slap on his face because he failed as a partner. It burns him to see the beautiful Aeroc of that world, because it reminds him of what he destroyed…

    Tyel February 26, 2024 12:00 pm

    Aeroc specifically asked those guys to just hurt him a little bit not kill and rape him. It was clearly unintentional. Kloff had not rights giving him such a severe punishment in which everything he did was intentional and just completely overboard

    mari ❤ February 26, 2024 6:58 pm

    I agree with the above responses, Kloff clearly had a hand in his own misery and tragedy and yet he blames it all on Aeroc instead of taking a good hard long look at himself and coming to terms with the fact that, yes, he is in fact very attracted to Aeroc, an alpha, and that that should be ok. But no, instead he kept trying to suppress and run away from his feelings claiming it was sinful and dirty for two alphas to be together and blamed the people around him, mainly Aeroc, for it. If you read the novel, it's very obvious that the only reason Kloff dated and married Rapiel was because he wanted to escape from his true desires towards Aeroc. Since Rapiel looks so much like Aeroc and yet is an omega, Kloff feels it's ok to pursue him instead. He basically sees Rapiel as a replacement for Aeroc. Sure, in the beginning his actions might have just been for the purpose of revenge but then when he kept on impregnating Rapiel, visiting him every day and kept him alive for all those years in the cottage, that was for a completely different reason. The man is obviously obssessed and is lying to everyone and himself.

    Truth is, if Kloff had just been honest about his desires and feelings from the beginning, none of this tragedy would have happened and he could have lived happily ever after with Aeroc like he wanted all along, but because he was in such denial about having feelings for an alpha and not an omega, it led him down this path of self destruction.

    Mitsu February 26, 2024 10:21 pm

    I know what Kloff's sins are it's pretty obvious he's an abuser LMAO and I hated him so much for how he reacted. He was so so so broken and disgusting. But whenever I remember how his wife and kid died, I can not just get past through what Aeroc did. Yeah he just told a bunch of thugs to hurt the wife. What did you expect from thugs? Hug the wife???? Lol Nah I can't get past through that. Again I am not saying he deserved all of what Kloff did I pity him so much but I won't ever forget how Rapiel and the kid died because of his jealousy and selfishness. People seem to put him in a pedestal as if he did nothing wrong.

    JaReader February 26, 2024 10:31 pm
    I agree with the above responses, Kloff clearly had a hand in his own misery and tragedy and yet he blames it all on Aeroc instead of taking a good hard long look at himself and coming to terms with the fact th... mari ❤

    Setting others on fire while gaslighting himself is what he does best to the end. He deserve no pity and redemption for all different lifetime for what he did to Aeroc and hurting his children by denying them of their mother.

    Mitsu February 26, 2024 11:25 pm
    People here feel more bad for Aeroc because Clough should have just sent Aeroc to jail, or just killed him. But he drugged him, raped him, beat him and impregnated him repeatedly. To add he even threw him to a ... JustCallMeApple

    Okay. Hold on a sec. I know what clough/Kloff's sins are. My point is just simple. Please don't forget what happened to the wife and the kid. Because they were the real victims here. They were innocent and they didn't hurt anybody but they died horribly. Notice that at the end I said both of them have sinned. I just didn't like people seem to put Aeroc on a pedestal and just forget about the blood on his hands.

    Mitsu February 26, 2024 11:28 pm
    I agree with the above responses, Kloff clearly had a hand in his own misery and tragedy and yet he blames it all on Aeroc instead of taking a good hard long look at himself and coming to terms with the fact th... mari ❤

    Notice how I said Kloff was broken and is not sane? Regardless of his sins. It doesn't excuse the fact that an innocent child and a mother was raped and died horribly by Aeroc's hands. Did I ever say Kloff was innocent tho?

    Mitsu February 26, 2024 11:31 pm
    Aeroc specifically asked those guys to just hurt him a little bit not kill and rape him. It was clearly unintentional. Kloff had not rights giving him such a severe punishment in which everything he did was int... Tyel

    What do you expect the thugs will do when you pay them to hurt someone? Kiss them? Or hug them? What do you mean unintentional? Wanting thugs to hurt someone? Hurt? A pregnant person?? If you're jealous will you pay someone to hurt a vulnerable person? Please stop making excuses for Aeroc's actions. He was also selfish at that point in his life.

    JustCallMeApple February 27, 2024 12:45 am
    Notice how I said Kloff was broken and is not sane? Regardless of his sins. It doesn't excuse the fact that an innocent child and a mother was raped and died horribly by Aeroc's hands. Did I ever say Kloff was ... Mitsu

    The funny thing is he became like that because of his obsession on Aeroc… he was so obsessed with him that he established the imprint before even having his first kid with him. The imprint that drove him to insanity and violence..

    He caused his own misery. I feel bad for Rapiel and his baby, but just for them. They shouldn’t have died. But Clough created his hell.. if he was honest this could have been avoided, if he didn’t torment Aeroc… he and Rapiel could have had a better future.

    Aeroc would have moved on.. but Clough didn’t let him go.. he kept bringing Rapiel to all the events Aeroc invited him. He kept pushing Aeroc..

    I wrote this fanfic what if Aeroc moved forward will it stop? Basing in on both they were before the Au… Aeroc would try keep the peace looking at the bigger picture. He can’t burn bridges with Clough because he’s heir to Westport who Aeroc is related to.. he’s not close to Rapiel.. but Rapiel’s mother is like a godmother to him. It’s on v5. Clough on the other hand, he’s probably going to still criticize Aeroc… in arc 2.. he was so rude to Aeroc for months for his lack of sense in money and his affairs (whoever he’s with shouldn’t be Clough’s business) he didn’t really stop, right? He even has weird imagination that Aeroc was purposefully trying to make him feel small that because his rich his flaunting it by showing that omega… so in world 1 he probably thinks that Aeroc was deluded by his money and title that he could have anyone, he asked Clough to have sex with him, despite being with Rapiel. He’ll keep using that… as ammunition to justify his hate for Aeroc.

    As much as Clough has pitifully parts, he’s the problem. Inferiority complex, cowardice, pride and arrogance. How do you sympathize with him when he caused so much pain to his kids, Rapiel and himself?(Let’s not include Aeroc)

    Reading both 2nd and 3rd arc… I had an open mind about both characters. I was disappointed with Clough. He was described as this kind hearted man who loved his wife and wanted the best for his family. To see a coward who was willing to use someone for his own benefit… it sealed it for me. I want to give Clough as much chance but he’s really the problem. And when he found out Aeroc was an omega, he suddenly wants to get married and have kids… like hey asshole did you forget how you treated him?

    In arc 3 when he found out he made it again Aeroc’s fault like Aeroc was still a liar, it was only when he saw the fear in Aeroc’s eyes and that genuine cluelessness.. did he realize Aeroc didn’t really know. He explained his imprint symptoms getting worse because Aeroc kept rejecting him.. which made Aeroc feel at fault. Which Clough answered “it’s because of my pride I didn’t want to lose to the beautiful Count.”

    So it’s hard to give Clough a break… because he’s basically the root of all problems. In the IF stories they keep still using Rapiel’s death to make Aeroc feel that what he went through is justified and he’ll just have to accept this now.. for the kids.. he almost died and he was drove to hopeless that he thought he had to go through the same thing. Can’t he have a break? Just to survive and be reminded that he’s a sinner… no one else took accountability with their sins.. martha was still on it.. clough as well. Didn’t Aeroc suffer enough, he didn’t hate Clough and despite all that wanted to keep everything bottled inside for the kids. So all my sympathies still goes for Aeroc.

    JaReader February 27, 2024 12:51 pm
    The funny thing is he became like that because of his obsession on Aeroc… he was so obsessed with him that he established the imprint before even having his first kid with him. The imprint that drove him to i... JustCallMeApple

    Indeed, Clough deserve no break. Infact, he did not suffer enough comparing to what Aeroc went through. Aeroc harbour no hate as he accepted that he has commited a sin and had to pay for it. On the other hand, Clough failed to admit he is the root cause to all the problems nor reflect on his wrongdoings and went way overboard in the name of revenge. I did not like martha as well. Nasty lady. She is as good as a accomplice to clough.

    Tyel February 27, 2024 7:35 pm
    What do you expect the thugs will do when you pay them to hurt someone? Kiss them? Or hug them? What do you mean unintentional? Wanting thugs to hurt someone? Hurt? A pregnant person?? If you're jealous will yo... Mitsu

    Not comparable to the shit that kloff did tf not even close and certainly doesn't justify his actions to the point of just going flat out mad. Aeroc feels a sense of guilt by the end of the day.