im eating this up. i cant sympathize with mc bcs she’s painted as a unaware highly privi...

yoonso February 26, 2024 7:51 am

im eating this up. i cant sympathize with mc bcs she’s painted as a unaware highly privileged woman in the past lmao fuck the monarchy lol

but how could the “upper class” still throw a lavish party and address ml as “your highness” i thought the country revolutionized?

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 26, 2024 8:24 pm

    Exactly! Fuck the (aristocracy based) monarchy, thank you! (Though those monarchs who managed to ally themselves with the rich commoners, in order to stablish the aristocracy as their common enemy, were much smarter.) So, the REAL logo should be: fuck the aristocracy!) But I'm so glad someone gets it... otherwise it's like readers always siding with Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (I love Scarlett... but I still KNOW she's a self-entiled bitch)

    JayJay (I'm back!) February 26, 2024 8:33 pm
    Exactly! Fuck the (aristocracy based) monarchy, thank you! (Though those monarchs who managed to ally themselves with the rich commoners, in order to stablish the aristocracy as their common enemy, were much sm... JayJay (I'm back!)

    Still, this FL is definitely NOT a Scarlett... She's great in the sense that she's tried to understand the new social change and has come to approve of it (and in that she doesn't want to follow her old friend to be used as a tool by the monarchists abroad). Moreover, the "rich" lifestyle she's "enjoying" now is an actual cage, and not just virtually one.

    yoonso February 27, 2024 12:00 am
    Still, this FL is definitely NOT a Scarlett... She's great in the sense that she's tried to understand the new social change and has come to approve of it (and in that she doesn't want to follow her old friend ... JayJay (I'm back!)

    i acknowledge her understanding the people’s cause but i still believe she’s getting what she deserves now even if that sounds harsh. the working people probably suffered a lot more under her tyrant family’s rule (which she naively benefited from). i think her wanting a divorce is still self motivated, for me to be truly condoned she should make a great sacrifice for the people not herself.

    Nikki February 28, 2024 12:32 am
    i acknowledge her understanding the people’s cause but i still believe she’s getting what she deserves now even if that sounds harsh. the working people probably suffered a lot more under her tyrant family�... yoonso

    Of course she deserves this for the situation she was born in, just like how poor people deserve to be poor and how people with certain skin colors should be slaves.

    Real easy to justify it to yourself huh? She should prove to the world that she is sorry for being born noble. She should be miserable forever so everyone else who hates everything she was born into can feel better. Or better yet, just die. She is just an eyesore after all to the people who suffered her father’s sins. I feel sick.

    yoonso February 28, 2024 12:42 pm
    Of course she deserves this for the situation she was born in, just like how poor people deserve to be poor and how people with certain skin colors should be slaves.Real easy to justify it to yourself huh? She ... Nikki

    lmao why stop there, why don’t you say bourgeois class is also systemically oppressed like lower income people and people of color next? because they had no tools and power to learn about social awareness right? it’s not like they THEMSELVES are the ones who create the system that benefits no one else but them! but sureeeee they were born into it so they get a free pass lol

    Nikki February 28, 2024 4:56 pm

    You’re still saying the exact same thing! Ugh, never mind. I deleted my reply, it’s not like I can change your mind so whatever. I believe differently that’s all. Good luck in life

    Star March 2, 2024 9:36 pm
    i acknowledge her understanding the people’s cause but i still believe she’s getting what she deserves now even if that sounds harsh. the working people probably suffered a lot more under her tyrant family�... yoonso

    she can still be oppressed to a different degree and in different ways. you seem to forget her role as a woman, always tied down to a family and unable to go against her family. i agree with your claims that rich people are much more privileged than poor people because that's a fact, but there are many more factors to life in terms of privilege. i have personally dealt with racism, sexism, and misogyny that is still constant in my life, which I can say that maybe a poorer man of a different race would not have to deal with.

    ...but wym she "deserves" this?? saying she deserves the emotionally abusive situation like that is just a shitty thing to say regardless of her status- this applies to everyone regardless of status. i think your views of her as rich before being a person made that justifiable in your head. a rich person getting abused is still the same as a poor person. most of the men who actually did shit in this story got away with it, so yeah fuck this system, but stop using it as an excuse to say she deserves to be abused.

    seth my pretty lonely desert March 2, 2024 11:44 pm
    i acknowledge her understanding the people’s cause but i still believe she’s getting what she deserves now even if that sounds harsh. the working people probably suffered a lot more under her tyrant family�... yoonso

    Umm wtf

    karie May 5, 2024 8:46 am
    i acknowledge her understanding the people’s cause but i still believe she’s getting what she deserves now even if that sounds harsh. the working people probably suffered a lot more under her tyrant family�... yoonso

    discriminating ppl based off of their class regardless of its high or low class ppl is still discrimination. plus also, she is literally a woman where a womans only role in this society is to dress up prettily. for someone who is such a loud mouth abt advocacy, it seems quite easy for you to forget about the sexism of this time period

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) May 18, 2024 11:09 am

    Idk I think you need some therapy or something or maybe you’re just not as well versed in the topic you’re talking about. I feel like it’s really strange to blame someone on something they didn’t do or was aware of. It’s really her father’s fault for making her ignorant. Don’t understand why we are blaming the victim in this specific situation rather than the person who has did this to the victim. She herself did nothing wrong after all. It reminds me of those Chinese comics in the old period setting and if one person does something bad then the whole family has to be executed.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) May 18, 2024 11:14 am
    Of course she deserves this for the situation she was born in, just like how poor people deserve to be poor and how people with certain skin colors should be slaves.Real easy to justify it to yourself huh? She ... Nikki

    Right? Why should an innocent person be condemned for something someone else did? That’s pretty upsetting honestly. I’m surprised she doesn’t hate them (which she would have every right to hate them) poor girl.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) May 18, 2024 11:22 am
    she can still be oppressed to a different degree and in different ways. you seem to forget her role as a woman, always tied down to a family and unable to go against her family. i agree with your claims that ri... Star

    Idk everyone can experience racism in the same way as you (if you meant that because I seriously can’t tell). Me personally I’ve never experienced racism or sexism or whatever at least not directed at me specifically (like told to me or something) I guess that’s why I simply can’t relate to those things at all. everything else I completely agree with though. Just like how a system she didn’t create doesn’t mean she should be abuse and while we’re at it the same can go for a victim who becomes the abuser as well “The ML” So I hope she doesn’t stick with him, but sadly I doubt that will happen. If it does I’m definitely cleansing myself with healthy romantic comics. I’m literally pulling my hair out with this.