I agree but did you just compare what Woojin and hitler did

I mean you're right!! Of course you can't excuse one's behavior just because he had a troubled past, but it doesn't mean you can't be comprehensive. I would like to point out that being comprehensive doesn't mean agreeing. For example, I could be comprehensive if someone would seek revenge for whatever justified reasons, but it doesn't mean I agree with it.
And I don't think everyone with bad attitude had a troubled past. Moreover a troubled past like "My parents think too much of my studies" and a troubled past like "my parents hit me daily and locked me up in a shred" usually (i'm saying usually) don't have the same repercussions.
Also I'll say it again but comparing Woojin bc he felt nothing when watching a rape video to Hitler is kinda (KINDA) exaggerated

omg yes of course because genocide = emotional blunting

I can't speak for everyone, but my reason for disliking Woojin has nothing to do with his reaction or lack there of to the video, and everything to do with the way he acted after his phome call was interrupted by "Si Won", a person that he knew had just woken up from a comma AND had been previously gang-raped: by viciously humiliating him and beatting up unconscious. If he'd just punched him in the face and broken his nose I wouldn't be half this mad.

lmfao what the fuck do you realize that taemin was the one who 1. rudely barged into the classroom that woojin was having an important phonecall in and then 2. didn't leave when woojin asked him to and THEN 3. forcefully silenced him???

Yeah, so what? In what book does that warrant knocking someone out cold without it being absolute overkill?

oh really? then please justify why taemin had to cause a chin fracture that lasted a week for the redhair. he actually fucking broke his chin, please explain why he had to do that.

How is the red haired dude and his friends actively harassing and threatening Tae Min in any way similar to Tae Min's rudeness towards Woo Jin during that phome call? If you're talking the red haired dude of chapter 5, the guy had been harassing him, and, Tae Min said, he didn't show up alone to teach Tae Min a lesson, but brought all his friends to corner him, and even asked him to kneel in front of him.

no, im asking you to explain his overreaction towards the situation just like you're saying woojin has done to taemin.

Breaking the chin of one of the bullies who cornered you in an isolated place and threatened to beat you up, so many against one, is not overreacting, it's defending yourself against a potentially dangerous situation. But there's no way Woo Jin could seriously have felt that threatened by Si Won. Recent comma aside, did you see the difference in height and size between Woo Jin and Si Won?

I'm the first two anon (i forgot to put my pseudo)
Yea i found him so violent too :0 i don't understand his reaction tbh,, there's probably an explanation but i don't think they would be enough to excuse this behavior bUT ppl change and maybe he'll change enough in a good way (with the good influence of taemin maybe?) in order for me to forgive him?? To be honest I really want to like Woojin that's why I'm kinda defending him (i believe in the translator for not liking him only for his looks and also bc i really liked the beginning of this webtoon so i hope i won't be disappointed) even tbh for the moment it's a bit complicated,, let's have faith

I agree. I just don't get why some people expect me to whole-heartedly like a character that the author clearly wants us to see as flawed and in need of some serious character development. Disliking the current Woo Jin doesn't mean it's impossible for me to start liking him once I see that character development. I'm intrigued as to what the author is planning to do with this troublesome character. That's what reading a story is about.
I mean, I read the whole novel of "Gone with the wind", beginning it with a passionate hate for the protagonist Scarlett O'Hara's initial self-serving personality, and ending it with a fanatical love for the way she was able to mature and realize her own short-comings... That's what being a good reader is about: evolving yourself along with the story.

I couldn't agree more with you!!

i'm more curious about how u didn't understand and/or acknowledge everything said (r00d) and that u don't deny comparing a genocide with woojin's lack of reaction,, and maybe u didn't want to put it like that but said this way it is as if hitler's actions were made out of egoism but haha killing millions of ppl doesn't make u selfish it makes u fucking mAD i don't have the accurate words to describe it but yea (this is so disgusting ahsksksk)
i mean your only argument is that hitler's abusive childhood can't excuse what he's done?? but of course since NOTHING can excuse what he has done???? but what did woojin? he didn't react to a rape video. of course it's a fucking problem and of course it is disgusting for me and it should be for most of us but comparing that FICTIONAL problematic behavior to a REAL thing that happened (and that was 1000 times more disgusting) isn't very valid.
also we're trying to be comprehensive of woojin more because we think he might have a mental illness than because he just had a – to pick up your terms – "troubled past". we also never said that his actions were legitimate, but rather that maybe we could try to analyze the character more into depth before hating on him.
u also say it as if it was a sin to be egoist?? like have you never been selfish in your life or are you a saint maybe? each person is different and has a different way to handle things, it's like saying "you don't have the right to be sad because i had it worse than you and i'm not sad". of course the best would be that your actions don't compromise other people's wellbeing and you have the right not to forgive ppl who do that because mental illness doesn't excuse everything for sure (i mean i'm freaking mad at woojin for hitting siwon in the first chaps). probably you didn't mean bad in everything you said, but don't look down on people because they want to understand others more or be more forgiving or be more comprehensive. not all people with an abusive childhood committed a genocide. and i'll say it one last time, understanding doesn't mean agreeing.

Do you not understand WHY he 'rudely' barged into the classroom? TO AVOID THE FUCKING BULLIES. Then you go on to claim that he overreacted when he broke the red-haired bullies CHIN? It seems to me that you would blame Tae Min not matter WHAT he did. So, of course, you couldn't make a point if it was to find your way out of a paper bag.
He didn't leave the room, FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON. So, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, eh?
Do you not know how to argue logically... at all?

My reaction to Woo Jin has much to do with his own reaction to the video, and because he punched Si Won in the stomach without thinking about why he was possibly in the room, in the first place as well as other reasons.
I mean, Si Won heard the voices of the people chasing him, why didn't Woo Jin? I will not blame him for punching Si Won in the stomach even though he had been gang raped, because Woo Jin didn't know he had been gang raped. His comment in regards to Si Won's brother's statement about him being true, proves that.
The reason I have that reaction toward the video incident is because it makes his admiration for Tae Min seem somewhat less than what it actually is. He loves Tae Min because he was the first person to stand up for him, something we all came to understand through the very first flashbacks. And he finally stood up for himself for that very reason. Which means he wanted to be like Tae Min. And he is as FAR APART from being like Tae Min as he ever will be. So, his words and actions do not line up, and that is why I despise him over that incident. I hope everyone gets it, *now*...?
why most of you seems so ready to be comprehensive towards those people whose actions are bad but they had a troubled past/childhood? Do you think Hitler had an happy youth? He didn't at all.
Even if you're the best person ever, your life will be filled with people who have bad attitudes, and remember: the crazy ones excluded (they are rare in real life but yes, psycho do exist) all the others had a troubled past. All problems in the world come from troubles, the question is: is someone legitimate to act irresponsibly just because they had a sad story, or is this what common sense would suggest to call… egoism?…