no I won’t remove my foot from rashtas neck sorry not sorry. We can say that sovieshit w...

Bluesake February 25, 2024 12:45 am

no I won’t remove my foot from rashtas neck sorry not sorry. We can say that sovieshit was at fault because he cheated on navier but no that doesn’t excuse rashta even if you give her a half pass let’s not forget how she’s acted. Getting a poor maids tongue cut out to hid her lies torturing animals, hiring hit man to kill naviers parents and a whole lot of other crap. She’s not a good person. Yall need to be so serious right now like please

    LIGMA February 25, 2024 12:55 am

    That's why she earned that name Trashta, I already forgot her real name ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Teeth February 25, 2024 1:52 am

    they just love playing devil's advocate of "but what if the other side has a point and i have so much empathy and feminism that only i, the specialest goodest reader, can see it???" because it's how they process parasocial yt and tiktok drama of real people

    they absolutely go gungho defending rashta's actions as 'because of cIrCuMsTaNcEs' and saying 'she's just like heinry but was dealt poorer cards uwu' and it's the most morally depraved analysis of this story that i've seen. there is no other side! there is no what if! these are not irl circumstances that can be debated over things that could have happened, because the story exists from an omniscient POV and all the facts are laid out about how utterly evil and vicious rashta is, regardless if she'd been a slave or a royal!!!

    Mulgarath February 25, 2024 9:23 am
    they just love playing devil's advocate of "but what if the other side has a point and i have so much empathy and feminism that only i, the specialest goodest reader, can see it???" because it's how they proces... Teeth

    I don´t know which comments you are talking about, but I can imagine that a lot of people don´t defend Rashta's actions but just don´t like how her character is portrayed in the story as a whole.

    The author deliberately goes overboard with making her act dumb, selfish, and cruel and Navier is flawless in every aspect to make the reader root with Navier 100% of the time and to "satisfy the feeling of gloating" in the reader. And for me, this gets old very quickly.
    It just rubs me the wrong way when a slave who wants to change their status is portrayed as the evil incarnated by the author. Of course, Rashta as she exists in the story is despicable, unlikable and an overall horrible person, but the author deliberately MADE her that way to push his storyline. She tortures people, throws tantrums, and tries to kill her own baby, it is unrealistic for one person to be THIS evil. She is unnecessarily evil.

    If you think deeper about that narrative it is just too easy. What is the moral of this portrayal? Why is this story becoming a b*tchfight between Navier and Rashta instead of a commentary on how the underdogs can work together to reach their goals? Why is Sovieshu still portrayed as somehow human while Rashta is evil incarnate?
    It is not Rashta's plot, she is thrown around by Sovieshu´s ever-changing will. She is a double underdog, being a woman and a slave. She has no power, but somehow the author chose to portray her in a worse light as the Emperor who is responsible for this sh*t in the first place and has all the power. The author deliberately chose to make her evil incarnate, instead of making Sovieshu evil incarnate instead. It´s like blaming the slave for the master´s actions. It´s like blaming the cheater's girlfriend for the betrayal instead of the cheater himself. But somehow it is okay, because "Trashta bad".
    It is just too easy to hate her, especially in comparison to the dignified, perfect Navier. And this seems to be the whole point of the story, which to me is not very satisfying.

    Also: in this story, the protagonist can save herself only with a man. If you think about it Navier is saved purely by luck of "finding a better dude". What if she didn´t find a better dude? Doesn´t matter, because the author chose that path for her.

    I´ve read a lot of this kind of manhwas and most of them don´t have morals at all. But if we are talking about morals, I liked the moral of "A divorced evil lady bakes cakes" way more, because it showed that happiness is not relative to status or being married, but pursuing things you love.

    That´s just some of my thoughts while reading.

    Celestia ludenberg February 25, 2024 9:47 am
    I don´t know which comments you are talking about, but I can imagine that a lot of people don´t defend Rashta's actions but just don´t like how her character is portrayed in the story as a whole. The author ... Mulgarath

    I'm sorry, deliberately evil and dumb? It's their story!? And the story wasn't even about underdogs working together to reach goals. It was about navier, who was pushed around by her incompetent husband with eq on the negatives, (both are, but soveshit is cruel as well) divorce him and find happiness with a man who would do anything for her. You are talking like it's some propaganda they're pushing like go and touch grass. When nobles are evil, nobody talks like this, but when slaves are, people suddenly started talking like it's a propaganda? Now do you really think every slave is innocent and nice? That's stupid. Nobody is associating rashta as all the slaves. rashta is a villain, she has to bad to be a villain? Like if she was a good person, she would've just lived as his lover. But she is not. That's why she tried to remove navier from her position. This story isn't even about rashta. She's just a villian to enhance the fl's smarts. This story is about navier, and not her. Navier would always win, because she is smarter and has experience in the field she is, while rashta depends on her 'innocence' to woo men, than study and be a proper queen. Just because she was a slave doesn't guarantee that she'll be a good person. If you are looking for morals in rofan novels, I'd suggest you change genres. Rofan stories are there to tug on your heart strings. Not teach us morals. Most characters don't even have proper morals in rofan novels. Not every story should be made to cater to you. Don't bring propaganda into rofan novels bro.

    Mulgarath February 25, 2024 11:26 am
    I'm sorry, deliberately evil and dumb? It's their story!? And the story wasn't even about underdogs working together to reach goals. It was about navier, who was pushed around by her incompetent husband with eq... Celestia ludenberg

    Well yes, you kind of got my point, but also missed it somewhere on the way. Why am I the one "bringing propaganda into rofan novels"? I was just pointing out why I (and some other people in the comments) don´t like the portrayal of the "evil slave" as a plot device. Obviously not every slave is a good person, but for me, it feels just too forced and too black-and-white here. The original narrative of "Woman Steals My Man" would have been enough (and would have worked better as a grey character), but somehow she needed to be the worst, lowest human on earth.

    Sure, rofan novels should tug on your heartstrings and a lot of them succeed in this regard. I usually don´t care if the protagonist is a perfect self-insert. But for me, this does not work here anymore, because it feels just too forced and too obvious and I couldn´t feel immersed in the story anymore. It worked in the beginning, but somewhere in the middle, this character became ridiculously over-the-top evil and unlikable.
    I don´t think it is a problem to point out flaws in a story. You can still enjoy something even if it has flaws. And if this is not a flaw for you, then just enjoy the story.

    For me personally, I would rather see some more of Navier´s smarts, see how she pulls strings and is more capable, instead of this deadbeat rat all the time that´s only in this story to elevate her. Because this fixation on punishing the trashy person does take more and more "screentime" and is just tiring. We all know that she is evil, can we move on now?
    I think this is because the plot around Navier is getting less exciting, she got what she wanted and is safe now and the conflict now needs to come from other characters. I am looking forward to some more politics and smart powerplay because that was what got me interested in the first place.

    Celestia ludenberg February 25, 2024 12:34 pm
    Well yes, you kind of got my point, but also missed it somewhere on the way. Why am I the one "bringing propaganda into rofan novels"? I was just pointing out why I (and some other people in the comments) don´... Mulgarath

    Nah, she was evil before, she just changed targets this time. Before it was animals, now it's human. Like pulling out feathers of a innocent Bird just to frame navier was evil. Now that she has more power, she choose bigger targets, like her viscount's daughter, Evely, and the maid, who are human. While she might have been a good person, power made her greedy and evil. She should be called as such. And she is purely evil because readers shouldn't feel sympathy for the villain since, as you said that world is purely for elevating navier. So feeling sympathy for th villain would not be what the writer wanted.

    People usually don't associate slaves with bad people because there are only very few slave character that are villian. Most slave character are male leads in some rofan, some are supporting characters. So rastha is just evil herself, rather than a slave who's evil.

    And about the navier not doing shit nowadays, I kinda agree with you on that. After remarriage she hasn't done anything, which for now I'm telling myself that she's pregnant, so let her be. But now that I wrote it down, I feel like she should take a break, she's been working since childhood. The frustrating thing is, she doesn't do much in relationship either, in both marriages. Other than making cake for him, she did nothing. But that comes in character, since she has been an unemotional person. Hopefully heinrey would melt her fully. Because her personality has kinda started to fall flat.

    Mulgarath February 25, 2024 8:26 pm
    Nah, she was evil before, she just changed targets this time. Before it was animals, now it's human. Like pulling out feathers of a innocent Bird just to frame navier was evil. Now that she has more power, she ... Celestia ludenberg

    I agree with you that she´s evil (that was never the point I was criticizing). And of course, most stories have a villain. I just question why she has become the main villain and not Sovieshu, because just from the plot alone he would have been the only real villain. The main plot does not require her to be this evil, she is only evil because of added character flaws and because apparently readers of rofan novels like the "punish the trash" trope (which sadly happens to be a pet peeve for me, because I have seen it too often in low-quality stories).

    This story would have worked better without her being a villain at all and in my opinion, it feels forced, like fan service. (Just instead of unnecessary s*xy time it is evil Rashta being punished over and over again). And if you want to punish somebody, why not the one who caused all this? Rashta is a bad person, but she is so unnecessarily evil in this story that she completely overshadows the main culprit and it blurs the original, better plot of Navier wanting to take revenge on Sovieshu.

    I feel like there was an original, interesting storyline, as if the author wanted to do something new, but stumbled over the popular manhwa tags and repeated the same, old story of "MC good, other woman bad" instead. And that is disappointing to me because the start was so promising.

    That´s aside from the themes of womanhood and slavery being handled with a crowbar. Like, I get that Rashta is an evil person, no doubt here. But hear me out: her backstory is heartwrenching. Seriously, that woman is established to have suffered so much, but we should not feel empathy or question any of it, because "Rashta evil". Why? Well, Rashta evil. Why even give her all that backstory if you don´t do anything with it? Why even start talking about her giving birth alone in a stable or losing the right to decide over her own body and her baby, being betrayed and tossed aside left and right if it is only a device to explain why someone becomes evil and nothing else? Like, NOTHING ELSE. There is no critical view on slavery or how women are treated in this society and Navier, the perfect, flawless Navier is morally fine talking derogatory (and not for example trying to forbid human trafficking as an Empress), because --- well yes, Rashta evil. For me, that´s a bummer.

    I would have loved for Rashta to learn to be a better person and to work together with Navier to take revenge on Sovieshu. It would make so much more sense for me instead of this unnecessary b*tch fight.

    Sovieshu screwed them BOTH over big time. Also, the whole societal system screws them both over.
    In some regards, Rashta is more three-dimensional than Navier. She has so much potential, but how little is done with it? Why doesn´t the author take the opportunity to induce change in this character? She knows Sovieshu doesn´t love her, but instead of being intelligent about it, she is stuck throwing ridiculous tantrums that just don´t make sense in her situation. I know she is intentionally an idiot, but I can´t comprehend why the author would make that decision.
    For example, Duke Ergi could have turned her to work as a spy for the Western Empire Side, giving direct intel to Navier during the upcoming war. It could have been so great and could have produced so much multi-layered conflict between all the characters involved. (E.g. Navier and Heinley being hesitant to trust her, Rashta being scared to death of being discovered, but desperate to redeem herself, Duke Ergi beginning to appreciate that woman as she discovers her wits and courage...) But I guess that point is long over now.

    Same with that other country´s representative (don´t remember the name, but I´m talking about that tan guy with grey hair). He could have induced real doubt in Navier if Heinrey is really the guy for her, before seeing that he is a good person and ultimately deciding for herself that yes, Heinrey is that guy. Instead, he became this ridiculous clown who took his own love potion for unnecessary comic relief. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    I have not read the light novel, but I hope the author returns to the original plot at some point and we get to see the conflict between the two countries and some more meaningful conflict around Navier. I would have hoped for Heinrey to also be a grey character (trying to juggle being a scheming king with being a good husband), but apparently, he has to be only good, no conflict to see here. These are all deliberate decisions and in my opinion, the plot would be more interesting otherwise.

    All this great setup just to go "Rashta evil". ( ̄へ ̄)

    Bluesake February 26, 2024 1:01 pm
    they just love playing devil's advocate of "but what if the other side has a point and i have so much empathy and feminism that only i, the specialest goodest reader, can see it???" because it's how they proces... Teeth

    Right? Excusing the fact that she’s his mistress and a home wrecker. Everyone missing the point that she would have never been a good queen. She has no smarts to run a nation. People keeping mentioning the author made her a villain just to be a villain but ignore the fact that she was never going to be a good queen. Besides being his mistress what other qualities did she have to run a country?!? Navier even tried to help her but she was too stupid and vain to listen. She took it as a complaining person on her way out. She was not even book smart. Like naiver said she was naive and innocent in the beginning but the thought of being queen and getting rid of naiver clouded her judgement. But even so she was not cut out to be the people’s queen she would rather had a flashy dress.

    Celestia ludenberg February 26, 2024 7:38 pm
    I agree with you that she´s evil (that was never the point I was criticizing). And of course, most stories have a villain. I just question why she has become the main villain and not Sovieshu, because just fro... Mulgarath

    I think the reason why rashta is shown as a bad person is because the story is navier's pov. So her clown ex husband is pardoned, because of her former affections for him(which is ridiculous because he ruined her) but rashta is not the same for her. She's just a woman who broke in to 'wreck her life.'
    I think the author also forgets that they need to add pain and punishment for sovishit. This was handled better in novel, because rashta and sovishit were both punished. With him groveling in regret, while she plays stupid games and win stupid prices. He is punished less because he is a bad husband, but a good and meticulous emperor. But rashta, is neither.

    I keep forgetting about those two because my love is duke Kaufman he's treated so badly here. C'mon give him to me I'll keep him in my pocket.
    But you do raise some good points. I agree with you. I never really thought about it that far.