I beg your finest pardon

son of thors February 24, 2024 8:43 am

I finished the orv novel a little while back and thought I was completely done with spoilers after having read 551 chapters. Then I go online and hear spoilers I've never even heard of before and people are saying there's extras?? And so many too? Idk if it's canon or not but someone said there's no translated versions online

Can anyone help I wanna read it (even if it's in Korean that's fine too)

    aaaaaaaaaaa February 24, 2024 8:58 am

    youve heard from the people correctly! there are side stories being released by the authors and unfortunately not translated... but you can read the Korean raws on munpia https://novel.munpia.com/104753

    hope you enjoy (=・ω・=)

    tls123 February 24, 2024 9:25 am

    theyre side stories that are still currently releasing!! you can read it on munpia :33 but its behind paywall and arent translated

    son of thors February 24, 2024 12:18 pm
    theyre side stories that are still currently releasing!! you can read it on munpia :33 but its behind paywall and arent translated tls123


    Is it canon btw?

    choicale is canon February 24, 2024 12:38 pm

    if you’ve bought the raws, you can ask some people to give you the english fantranslation on twitter. they’re not published, you have to send them proof you bought it and they’ll give it :) otherwise there are mtl ones but of course they won’t be as good as the ones properly translated. maybe one day someone will tl them and publish it

    son of thors February 24, 2024 1:47 pm
    if you’ve bought the raws, you can ask some people to give you the english fantranslation on twitter. they’re not published, you have to send them proof you bought it and they’ll give it :) otherwise ther... choicale is canon

    Thank you!

    qwerty February 25, 2024 2:39 am
    HELP I THOUGHT I WAS FREE OF SPOILERS Is it canon btw? son of thors

    yes (im pretty sure at least)

    son of thors March 1, 2024 10:04 pm
    yes (im pretty sure at least) qwerty

    I'm cooked

    qwerty March 3, 2024 3:12 am
    I'm cooked son of thors
