I know y'all hate jjk but please when have you ever seen him raise his hand against Dan? �...

slutwi February 23, 2024 4:23 pm

I know y'all hate jjk but please when have you ever seen him raise his hand against Dan? He has not raised his hand against him till today if you actually really observe lol. So I really don't think he would beat him up tbh. ON THAT NOTE DON'T COME HERE AND SAY OH BUT HE WOULD SA HIM BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.

    A mistake February 23, 2024 4:28 pm
    so hard is it to simply accept this is not rape but it is sexual assault and sexual coercion and other abusive behavior. Why do you have to attack others? Why do you have to impose positions on others? Why d... Empowered Guardian

    Okay, so first of all, I wanted to apologize and say that I missread your whole essay about SA, and didnt get your point.

    Secondly, most people who read BL on mangago are teenage girls who see stuff like Jinx and say that its not that bad, so pardon me, but I would not listen to those people.

    Third, I don't know if I'm imposing my positions on others, but frankly and don't really care, lol. Essentially when the person that I'm imposing my positions on is brain dead.

    Empowered Guardian February 23, 2024 4:32 pm
    Like fr man I have never mentioned about him SAing Dan all I said was I don't think he would hit Dan because he has never done that. Internet is a place where if you say you love grapes then the people would sa... slutwi

    I am trying to wrap my head around this one. Gees. My friends have been dealing with this irrationally since July. The only way to explain it is they are obsessed with the SAing in this story. I clearly said there the SA and coercion but their irrationality with "There is no rape" takes that statement to nothing is happening. ??? But I said there was SA and Coercion why did they think that whitewashed everything? That is just as bad.

    I don't know what Jinx they are reading but it is not the Jinx from Mingwa since Jaekyung has already beaten him? He has never hit him.

    You are so right.

    Empowered Guardian February 23, 2024 4:37 pm
    Okay, so first of all, I wanted to apologize and say that I missread your whole essay about SA, and didnt get your point.Secondly, most people who read BL on mangago are teenage girls who see stuff like Jinx an... A mistake

    When you judge others, you don't define them, you define yourself. ( a quote shared by my friend)
    Your insult is about you.
    with not caring and that insult, your apology is not sincere, is it?

    A mistake February 23, 2024 4:46 pm
    When you judge others, you don't define them, you define yourself. ( a quote shared by my friend)Your insult is about you. with not caring and that insult, your apology is not sincere, is it? Empowered Guardian

    No, why is that? I really am sincere about the apology. And about everything else that was said. Take it as you wish, afters all, I'm just some person on the internet, lol.

    blue February 23, 2024 6:29 pm
    Hit him again? When has he ever hit Dan outside the ring would you like to enlighten me? slutwi

    he literally has raped dan, and has shoved him violently when he raped him in the showers. stop being ignorant on purpose bc you know damn well why we all think he would get aggressive with him again.

    blue February 23, 2024 6:31 pm
    Why we think he would hit him again??? again?? Where is the first time. The weird one is you "he’s raped him a bunch so we’re not sorry for disliking a rapist who shows absolutely no remorse for dan." <... Empowered Guardian

    “again not jinx” buddy what the fuck are you taking about

    blue February 23, 2024 6:32 pm
    Hit him again? When has he ever hit Dan outside the ring would you like to enlighten me? slutwi

    he has a past for being violent and you have the gaul to even question why people would think he would do it again.

    blue February 23, 2024 6:35 pm
    Learn what rape is and get new material. That is overused troll nonsense. Learn how to communicate. Empowered Guardian

    you’re sitting here trying to deny dan was raped? wow that’s a whole new level of being delusional

    Empowered Guardian February 23, 2024 7:47 pm
    you’re sitting here trying to deny dan was raped? wow that’s a whole new level of being delusional blue

    You are overly critical and making up details. When I said "again not jinx” it was my version of "buddy what the fuck are you talking about " Jaekyung never hit Dan. Jaekyung has shown remorse. He is not a rapist. He is a sexual abuser.
    I acknowledge you believe Jaekyung raped Dan but that does NOT give you the right to attack others who has a different perspective than you. It does not give you the right to call people delusional or be violent as a rapist is to people.
    Dan was sexually coerced and sexually assaulted in the showers. You are not describing Jinx. You are not paying attention to details. If you have to lie, you lose. If you have to attack and claim someone is delusional you lost in your debate.
    Jaekyung is aggressive but he has not hit him or left bruises on him. Dan has hit him.
    Slutwi is right for asking this question. why are you triggered? Did the question open your eyes to how wrong you are?

    I posted facts and I stand with the story. Most of the fandom knows it is not rape. Your mere opinions are just that opinions. Your ad hominins also means you lost.
    If you want to talk, let's talk. If you want to attack and force your POV go away. I already put definitions, try reading my comments, and you seem to be talking about a fanfic of Jinx. Read Jinx then we will talk or not, you seem very aggressive over an opinion on a story. I don't want to waste my time on someone who can't handle a conversation or handle different perspectives than their own. It is not rape. It is sexual assault and coercion and more. Dan was sexually assaulted. Jaekyung is a sexual abuser. This is not my opinion. It is just facts from the story and definitions. I am not attacking you or forcing you into this. So stop being abusive and toxic.

    blue February 23, 2024 8:26 pm
    You are overly critical and making up details. When I said "again not jinx” it was my version of "buddy what the fuck are you talking about " Jaekyung never hit Dan. Jaekyung has shown remorse. He is not a ... Empowered Guardian

    if you wanna argue don’t write big ass texts cos i’m not wasting my time reading your bullshit.

    slutwi February 23, 2024 8:30 pm
    he literally has raped dan, and has shoved him violently when he raped him in the showers. stop being ignorant on purpose bc you know damn well why we all think he would get aggressive with him again. blue

    Lmfao oh boy....

    slutwi February 23, 2024 8:32 pm
    he has a past for being violent and you have the gaul to even question why people would think he would do it again. blue

    Still not an answer to my question but okay.

    blue February 23, 2024 8:32 pm
    You are overly critical and making up details. When I said "again not jinx” it was my version of "buddy what the fuck are you talking about " Jaekyung never hit Dan. Jaekyung has shown remorse. He is not a ... Empowered Guardian

    and btw dan hit him because he was literally trying to rape him he actually still ended up raping him even when dan literally punched him and saying no. STOP TRYING TO SAY ITS NOT RAPE WHEN HE LITERALLY FORCED HIM INTO SEX IN THE BEGINNING YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID HE LITERALLY TRICKED DAN TO COME TO HIS APARTMENT AND RAPED HIM

    blue February 23, 2024 8:33 pm
    so hard is it to simply accept this is not rape but it is sexual assault and sexual coercion and other abusive behavior. Why do you have to attack others? Why do you have to impose positions on others? Why d... Empowered Guardian

    and you saying he hasn’t left bruises that’s another lie

    blue February 23, 2024 8:35 pm
    You are overly critical and making up details. When I said "again not jinx” it was my version of "buddy what the fuck are you talking about " Jaekyung never hit Dan. Jaekyung has shown remorse. He is not a ... Empowered Guardian

    ima block yo ass as well so you can’t reply to me bc honestly i’m not gonna sit here for hours on you denying what we all clearly saw and can go back to for proof.

    blue February 23, 2024 8:37 pm
    Still not an answer to my question but okay. slutwi

    i literally told you he shoved him against the bathroom wall that’s fucking hitting him like are you dumb? around chapter six he also raped him after shoving him against the wall after dan was refusing to have sex with him.

    Tabaluga February 23, 2024 8:37 pm


    blue February 23, 2024 8:41 pm
    Still not an answer to my question but okay. slutwi

    blocking your dumbass to its like when y’all read a story you refuse to acknowledge and actually see what’s happening and then refuse to say it ever happened

    Empowered Guardian February 23, 2024 8:45 pm

    The actual story literally debunks Blue. I have no interest in talking to someone who can't be honest and has to be immature to name-call. Blue is showing how immature they are and how they can't handle being wrong.

    Can we talk about Slutwi's real topic?

    Slutwl February 23, 2024 8:50 pm
    i literally told you he shoved him against the bathroom wall that’s fucking hitting him like are you dumb? around chapter six he also raped him after shoving him against the wall after dan was refusing to hav... blue

    So manhandling while having sex= hitting/physical assault understood bro you won