i want them to be cured

nice February 23, 2024 2:28 pm

it looks like she wasnt blind from birth, not sure though. this might be controversial but I hope at the end of the story, they'll be able to find a witch that can cure his curse and MAYBE her blindness that would be so cute

    Vicki February 27, 2024 8:54 pm

    Maybe their curses are innertwined~?
    Like once others can see him then she can see too...

    Lol, that sounds so cheesey~

    Diogotchi February 27, 2024 9:45 pm

    I don't like the idea of her blindness being "cured" it puts a bad taste in my mouth. Nothing wrong with her being blind, it doesn't hinder her especially now with the cane, to call it a curse is insulting lowkey as well.

    I think you need to change the way yall look at the FL because she's not the victim here who needs to be "cured". She's big city chilling

    somnia February 28, 2024 1:57 am

    It IS a romantic idea but I think that sends a totally different message to what the author probably intented.
    Their romance is more about looking beyond one's facade and how you're deserving of love no matter the circumstances you may be in, imo at least.
    Isn't that cheesy enough already? Blindess isn't a lame curse, but it's portrayed pretty normally here, or at least it looks like it next to double-edged super power invisibility.

    nice February 28, 2024 6:16 pm
    I don't like the idea of her blindness being "cured" it puts a bad taste in my mouth. Nothing wrong with her being blind, it doesn't hinder her especially now with the cane, to call it a curse is insulting lowk... Diogotchi

    Oh I didnt mean to call her blindness a curse, there’s totally nothing wrong with being blind and she lives happily with it! But there is no way that being blind is better than being able to see, so if there was a way , a chance, that she would be able to see again, I would want that for her :(

    I wouldn’t make such a remark on other stories and real life situations ofcourse, but there’s a witch in this story so it made me hopeful TT

    nice February 28, 2024 6:39 pm
    It IS a romantic idea but I think that sends a totally different message to what the author probably intented. Their romance is more about looking beyond one's facade and how you're deserving of love no matter ... somnia

    Yeah totally! It’s a really wholesome message, and even more romantic. Too see beyond a person’s looks but instead see into their hearts is the true core of this story. It is something that a LOT fail to do, so a manga representing just that would not NOT be cute and tug some hearts. A pretty good premise for a story. Its just, It would be the best of the best outcome for a happy ending if a. His curse is cured and b. She could see again. But I do admit that her being able to see again might like, defeat the whole point lol. But yeah, its just wishful thinking