Kim Dan acts like a 6 year old girl man up bitch ass

Francisfurever February 23, 2024 12:14 pm

Kim Dan acts like a 6 year old girl man up bitch ass

    Sugakookie February 23, 2024 12:15 pm

    This made me laugh xD

    Angela February 23, 2024 12:18 pm

    he's literally being made to chose between an asshole that he fell in love with and his grandma??? calling him a 6 y/o girl in this situation isnt...

    Francisfurever February 23, 2024 12:26 pm
    he's literally being made to chose between an asshole that he fell in love with and his grandma??? calling him a 6 y/o girl in this situation isnt... Angela

    yeah that’s literally the part where I hate him ☠he fell in love with a guy who treats him like shits knowing damn well that jaekyung has no Romantic feelings for him. His grandma is already so old paying for her chemo was a waste of time from the start but it’s understandable cause it’s his grandma and he “loves” her so much. now he doesn’t want to betray jaekyung cause he loves him?? That man was about the beat him few chapters ago hes a grown ass man stop pitting him he knows damn well what’s Best for him

    mlngth February 23, 2024 12:28 pm
    he's literally being made to chose between an asshole that he fell in love with and his grandma??? calling him a 6 y/o girl in this situation isnt... Angela

    That's not the point, how he stands there pissing himself instead of opening his goddamn mouth and be honest. Nooooo bitch boxer says I gOt No TiMe and he is like "okay uwu I AM A LITTLE WHINY BITCH"

    Francisfurever February 23, 2024 12:30 pm
    That's not the point, how he stands there pissing himself instead of opening his goddamn mouth and be honest. Nooooo bitch boxer says I gOt No TiMe and he is like "okay uwu I AM A LITTLE WHINY BITCH" mlngth


    Saga February 23, 2024 12:49 pm
    That's not the point, how he stands there pissing himself instead of opening his goddamn mouth and be honest. Nooooo bitch boxer says I gOt No TiMe and he is like "okay uwu I AM A LITTLE WHINY BITCH" mlngth
