Take into consideration the fact that it s a realistic world setting and they are both men. They never clearly communicated so if it were me i would also not assume the guy who was looking at me weirdly/glaring at me ahas actual romantic feelings towards me. It’s safe to think it’s only a FWB thing and no feelings are involved.. in order to avoid getting hurt or getting his hopes up. ;-; show the characters some grace, theyre trying
It’s actually irritating reading this, it’s so cliche all the dumb misunderstandings.. like seriously. You could literally just fkin talk, one conversation and boom. Not all this childish riff raff. I was annoyed most of this read.. ugh. He doesn’t deserve that guy. He is too fkin slow.. can’t form a damn sentence and just talk, gets in his head way too much, and needs to grow some balls. Point blank. Not a character you want to root for bc he is just that fkin annoying.!!!