
WTH NO WAY BLAKE DIED??? HE WAS MY FAVORITE i wanted him to have a good life
im quite sad about lorenzo(uncle)'s story too cs wtf is happening w this manhwa this ain't my cup of tea, i thought this would be a wholesome father-daughter manhwa
ngl the part where christian's (the mc's real dad) head rolls of and his body revealing that it's only a robot was kind of scary
i didn't quite understand smt ,, is the fake saintess a real human or just a robot??
So, I wrote down all the spoilers I found and it took me like an hour, but mangago deleted it when I went to post it. I'm going to try it again.
Anyways, overall people seem to be a bit confused by the plot (even the people who read it) and the story isn't very realistic (in regards to things like logic, especially from certain characters (*cough* Duke W (from the white themed family bc I don't remember his name)*cough*)), it was also very rushed at the end, which the MC becoming overpowered. There also seemed to be streampunk elements (technically they weren't streampunk, but cyborgs, robots, mechanical animals, airships, and so on all fall under that for me when you put them together in a story that isn't set in a futuristic setting) that just did not fit into the story that caused people to not like the story, as the world building did not support those elements being in the story very well.
Like the character lack a lot of reasoning and logic behind their actions and just do things to do things. They aren't quite 2D characters, but they aren't 3D characters either.
So while the story isn't terrible, it is definitely lacking, but it does seem to be an enjoyable story if you are able to get pass those points (to be honest, I'm not really interested in this story anymore, but I was losing interest after the first timeskip).
Who is the ML?
- The blonde with red eyes who is the second prince and the Dad's nephew. I think his name is Julian.
- This is more of an opinion, but I think the reason the MC isn't related to Dad and is instead related to Second, is so that they wouldn't be first cousins more than anything. They're still adopted first cousins, but they wouldn't be blood related first cousins.
Who are MC's parents and what happened to them?
- Rosaline and the white family second son (I'm just going to call him Second, bc he seems to be Second everything) ARE her parents.
- They're both dead.
How did they die?
- The spoilers didn't say.
People speculate that they ran away together (for whatever reason the MC can't remember the first 3-5 years of her life??? I don't think a reason is even given? It's just like that, I'm going to assume trauma but idk), but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Duke W did them in bc of reasons .
Why did Rosaline choose Second and not Dad?
- I'm calling him Dad instead Duke Blue or Duke V bc it's easier. I'm also calling Rosaline "R" for short.
- It sounds like Dad and R were engaged before her powers manifested. Originally no one cares bc she was from a fallen family.
And people seemed confused by this, but I think the Emperor and Duke W said no, so she ended getting married to Second instead (bc he's always second).
She /may of/ been brainwashed, idk. It sounded more like speculation.
- She either made Dad promise to protect MC or find her, the last of which not making sense, so I'm gonna say it's probably the first one.
- Dad never got married to anyone else after being engaged to her.
Is MC the real Saint?
- Yes.
Who is the Fake Saint and what happens to her?
- She is a cyborg created with R's body by Duke W.
- There are more creations like her, but they all failed and she was the only "perfect" one.
- At the end of the story, she sets the library on fire and dies. MC wanted to try and save her but Fake said no bc she would rather die in fire. Idk if it was out of guilt or what, but go off I guess.
Why does the Duke do this when the MC is literally his grandkids and the daughter of the current saint?
- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
- People don't know? It doesn't sound like it's really explained. They think it's bc he didn't think he could control her and/or she didn't have all the family traits (aka the yellow eyes, which tbh I think he just doesn't like the color blue).
What happens to Uncle after his Sirius Black inspired incident?
- After 4/5 years go by, MC finds his ghost/soul chilling in the library. They don't know what happened to his body or where it's at, so she puts his soul in his doll and he uses it like a puppet.
- People think he's basically dead bc he doesn't seem to get his body back even at the end of the story. So yeah, he's sorta like Schrodinger's Cat.
- Still better than Sirius Black's death, so I'll take it I guess.
What leads to Duke W's downfall?
- He somehow gets the other dukes to have poisoned cigarettes? Don't ask me how they get them they just do.
- Blake's (from the black themed family) dies.
- The other two Dukes (Duke R and Dad) get sick and almost dying with MC saving them.
- They get evidence that Duke W did, bring it to the Emperor and he gets punished. Idk how he gets punished though.
- Why does he do this? Idk. No one explained his reasoning and even if they did, I don't think it would be based on logic.
Why does no one recognize the MC in the first timeline/book/whatever that was (it is unclear what to call it tbh)?
- Fake has MC's blood and uses it to get into the library.
- Fake sees the past/present/future book and decides to make a self-insert fanfic where everyone loves her and hates the main character (she also makes Dad pretty much be a yandere for her, which knowing her, I'm not surprised) (she also erases other people noticing how much MC resemblances her parents from the book, which is why no one realizes). She does this by writing ON TOP of the author's ORIGINAL work.
She is the "fan" every author hates.
Any other plot points?
- First prince gets sick and she has to heal him.
- While she's there, she goes to save ML. I'm not sure if she succeeds or not, I'm assuming that she does.
What is the ML and MC's relationship like after the years apart?
- This is the part that I saw people disappointed about as it seems rushed and forced. Someone described it as basically two childhood friends meeting after not seeing each other for a long time and immediately getting together without trying to recount the past first.
- This is a personal opinion, but I think the author mainly separated them bc they realized if the MC and the ML grow up together, basically being raised as siblings, would be almost as bad as them being blood related. Plus, it created drama for them to separate them.
Second Timeskip?
- The Emperor and Fake poison MC and gives MC her very own Sleeping Beauty/Snow White moment (minus the true love's kiss), bc she sleeps for the next 5 years.
- I think this would make her around 18/19 when the story ends, but I might be wrong.
- The person giving this next spoiler seemed confused about what their reasoning for poisoning the MC, but it might be bc they wanted to somehow use the MC's body to be the Emperor's new body (which is all kinds of gross (same with the Yog or whatever his name is using little boys to replace his dying body (also, why does his body not age??? Like then it would make more sense for why he keeps needing a new body if they old one gives out. Like a kid's body is not as strong as an adult in their prime, it would make more sense to use an adult male's body and not have it change very much for a 100 years over a kid's who's body is much weaker))).
- Anyways the story ends in like 10 chapters after the second timeskip and is VERY rushed.
How does she defeat them? What does she do afterwards?
- She wakes up and is OP.
- Fake dies in fire in the library, which she set herself.
- She defeats the Emperor and that's all I got on that spoiler-wise. Idk if she killed him or what and if she killed him, no one said who becomes emperor after him.
- She goes back home to her dad.
Do they keep the promise to meet at the tree to see how much they've grown in 10 years?
- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
- No one says if they do or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if that part of the plot got forgotten. I'm just hoping that it's just a case of people not deeming it an important plot point among the other plot points to spoil and it isn't forgotten.
Does the MC and ML get married.
- No, but the story ends with them having a date on an airship, so there's that I guess.
Are there side stories?
- Maybe? I only saw one person mention this novel having side stories, but I don't think they read them.
This is what I was able to understand from the spoilers and some of it might be wrong, but I did my best to try and get a coherent idea of what was happening in this story.
I hope that this helps.
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