The emperor’s brother who had divine powers and high authority accused Rieta’s mother being a witch or using black magic to subjugate the demons. He killed the Beatrice ( Rieta’s mother ) without the kings permission and Beatrice’s mother grieved of such loss of her daughter and cursed the emperor. Beatrice was sent to the emperor’s kingdom to form peace but the brother of the emperor had seen the subjugated demons with Beatrice and accused her of using black magic and burned her. Beatrice and the emperor hadn’t met as the emperor was away and the brother took the decision upon himself to burn Beatrice. Beatrice’s mother was angry and cursed the emperor with her life , as all she did was send her daughter to form peace but she was accused and killed instead.
What did the emperor do to Rieta's family that caused such severe grief for her? I can't recall the story and I don't want to go scrolling through 160 chaps to find out