it's okay I guess

insanity_me February 22, 2024 10:03 pm

I always find it sort of funny how the japanese view foreigners like exotic animals
"chocolate colored skin" that made me cringe I'm not gonna lie
then theres the random throwing of french phrases here and there?
also the whole "foreigners are touchy" trope
this guy LIVES and works in a japanese company someone like would have a decent enough grip on japanese social cues and wouldn't just kiss someone on the cheeck like that just cause he's french
I don't know maybe I'm being too judgy but it feels like the story is written solely with the gimmick that the guy is a foreigner

    i am simping for Chowon-oppa February 22, 2024 11:07 pm

    I agree... Hence even if I wanna read it due to its good reviews, I just can't...

    Willy February 23, 2024 12:19 am

    It's worse when you speak French, threw me off when he started to put some random sentences when people around him wouldn't even understand

    sugsgloss February 23, 2024 1:14 am

    the idea that foreigners are touchy and kiss each other to say jhello but not at least making a quick google search that it's a bise and there's a specific number of cheek kisses depending or location and you don't even really kiss the person's cheek you only press your cheeks together and go muah and you alternate cheeks and its most of the time only when a man and a woman says hello or goodbye and men mostly shake hands. like what? and ppl aren't stupid, like others said, he lives in japan, speaks japanese, he surely has the brain to follow japanese customs in japan, as we say, in rome do as romans do. like bffr

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's March 23, 2024 2:25 pm

    It's not so bad...when you see the weeaboos and koreaboos, this is super respectful compared to what the west in general does TwT