This is arguably the worst way this story could've spiraled. Guy rapes and drugs his adopt...

laboumm_ya February 22, 2024 11:10 am

This is arguably the worst way this story could've spiraled. Guy rapes and drugs his adoptive brother, gets traumatized in dungeons, dies in one, gets resurrected by his brother using an item that makes him a slave to the aforementioned brother, who immediately rapes him bloody right next to a bunch of corpses and uses healing potions so he can rape him more than once. And mind you, this dude has been in a time loop for 10 years and hasn't had the chance to shower once, which means he is as clean and freshly smelling as the sewage systems of New York City.

Managing to cram this level of debauchery into 15 chapters is honestly impressive. 0 stars, and the author goes on never read list

    ItzTinSeL February 22, 2024 2:41 pm

    Best fucking review I've seen and I can vouch for New York's sewage systems too!!