I can do whatever i want to either, right? So, what do you want to prove? And also he/she said "Let's fight" or argue, isn't it? I just want to defend my fav manhwa, because we have different perspectives. Maybe you just want to fight either, because if u didn't. You will keep your own opinion by yourself and let others do what they want. It's not as if u will gain something here

“Let’s fight” doesn’t mean you should conduct yourself any less properly as anywhere else. Sure, you won’t get anything for it, but you could at least have some decency and etiquette. Also, it’s pretty clear I was speaking from a place of frustration and I even mention that too. Just because you like something doesn’t mean you should brainlessly defend it, especially if your first instinct is to insult people instead of responding with your opinion. Even good media should be criticized. You can like something and admit it has flaws because nothing is perfect.

Really? Talking about etiquette? When u yourself doesn't have it. How could u complain here, when u only read it for free and instead of being thankful cuz ur not born in a generation where u have to buy books first before u can finally read it. You criticize someone else work just because u don't like the plot. TO BE MORE PRECISE IS THAT THIS STORY IS NOT CREATED JUST FOR U AND IF THE STORY LINE DOESN'T GO THE WAY U WANT, DOESN'T MEAN U HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CRITICIZE IT. AND IF U REALLY HATE THIS, ONE STAR RATE IS ENOUGH, U SHOULDN'T CALL THIS MANHWA A "SHÎT". Ur shâmeles. And if u don't like this story, just leave it be, instead of talking negative about it. Create ur own or find a story where u can satisfy ur DEMANDS.

shut up lmfao, the story was pretty shit. pretty people tho. at around chapter 40 i started skipping the chapters and simply reading the first few panels, realizing the episode is a filler, skipping to the next, reading the first few panels, and so on and so forth until chap 120. it was just dragged soooooooo much on unnecessary topics but the characters were nice and i was really happy that jenette wasn’t secretly evil . i did. enjoy it but mainly cuz i skimmed more than half of it. the main story couldve been chopped into 80 episodes imo
This fell off, and it fell off hard, no way I wasted my time on this shit. This was good and enjoyable until chapter 50-60.
Let’s fight, if you disagree we can argue down in my replies because I’m so upset with the glaring faults in this story. I feel such an immense anger now because of just how much I was fond of it before. Like how do you seriously forreal on god fumble such a promising fucking story.