I mostly agree with what you said. People are so swept away with the adea of "romantic love" they seem not to realize the difference between crap and love anymore. The guy is pretty selfish and a bastard to the bone. I'm pretty confident we'll discover he's the victim of a new family's cruelty of some kind, most likely psychologically, so everyone will fall head over heels for him once more.
What did a young man do to deserve to die like that, looking at one of the those who ignored his sufferance?…He was weak. He wasn't strong enough to fight, and this, in manhwa, seems to be the greatest crime one can commit.
I really like your comment, you must be a nice person. This is a fictional story, it does not go under a moral judgment of any kind, but to become so incapable of being empathetic to the point of ignoring the single issues you underlined is scary, to me. Because each of them is crystal clear. At this point, I must thank you for sparing me the time of writing about the same comment.

I'm not gonna argue on your points because you make a valid argument.
I get it....I was shocked too when I 1st read that he didnt give a damn about a person being abused like the real Siwon was. But you also have to remember that Woojin was also physically abused by his mother as a child & he was bullied on top of all that by neighborhood kids. Taemin was the only one who was there for him & who taught him to stop being the victim & fight back! So I guess to him he really doesnt have patience to some1 who reminds him of who he was back then. Also Woojin doesnt even care about himself, he's not gonna give a damn about other people. Remember when green haired guy said that siwoon walked around like he wasn't even living?
Woojin has had a very messed up childhood and its not out of the realm of possibilities that he would end up having a messed up personality that just doesnt care about anything anymore. Then after he went to live with his father who we found out to be some corporate CEO, we dont know what that relationship was like but there is a lot of things we still dont know. So I dont think we should judge him just yet for not going to find Taemin before. There could be a number of reasons for all that.
So at the end of the day, is Woojin an emotionless bastard? Most definitely. But I think as the story progresses we will see a change in him due to Taemin's good influence.

Thank you so much for you sweet response, I'm blushing here! :)
I read from someone in the forums that bullying is common in Korea and that society forces the bullied person to remain quiet about it because it's considered rude to "ruffled feathers" and that teachers and police choose to ignore it. I cannot attest to that as I don't know if it's accurate or not, I have not taken the time to research the matter, but I do agree that it seems as if Siwon was penalized for not being "strong" and that everyone just stood by and allowed it to happen. I mean, if the CD was in circulation as Woojin/Siwoon stated to Taemin, shouldn't someone, at least one freaking decent person in the whole fucking school, have notified the school administrators or authorities? I mean, a young student tried to commit suicide, almost everyone knew he was raped; shouldn't there have been an investigation where the CD should have been discovered?... It boggles the mind. I also agree that Siwoon/Woojin will probably be vindicated by some traumatic past event. We will probably get a glimpse into his past from the moment he left the slums very soon. Let's see if it's robust enough to justify his appalling behavior. See you next chapter! :)

I totally agree with you. It is very likely that due to having been abused as a child, Woojin developed a form of Sociopathy which may have been exacerbated when he was separated from Taemin to live with a total stranger in a totally different world. This is why I said that I still ship him with Taemin, because I recognize that there's a background story we still haven't seen. I really think that there must be a compelling reason why Woojin didn't contact Taemin before the accident and why he became so callous, but that is not enough yet for me to like him. Again, that's why I really need his background story to be compelling enough for me to empathize with him, for it to be strong enough to vindicate him, because it is very tough to like him as the callous person he is right now. Also, Taemin was himself physically abused by his father, is just that his character was stronger and processed the abuse in a positive manner, whereas it was more negatively traumatic for Woojin. I recognize that different people respond differently to similar traumatic situations, but I can't help admiring and loving Taemin even more because despite the physical and mental abuse from his father, despite the hardships of his poverty, he still managed to become a compassionate, ethical, righteous, well-rounded and strong human being, whereas Woojin didn't. Can you tell how much I love Taemin? :D
Thank you for contributing to the topic and see you on the next chapter! :)

WHOA HOLD UP.....YOU LIKE TAEMIN'S CHARACTER!!!????? I never would have guessed. lol
At the end of the day I'm not saying you should like Taemin or even empathize with him if you are unable to at this point in the story. For me I know he is a very flawed character that has room for character development. So my judgement of him as a character will depend not on what he's been through in the past but what he does moving forward. woojin may never be redeemed in your eyes & that's fine but i think we can both agree that this is one hell of an entertaining story regardless.
On a side note, for some reason I really like woojin's mysterious "bad boy" thing he's got going on. I think its sexy. lol Its weird because i usually go 4 the "nice guy" but how he is with Taemin now is just (▰˘◡˘▰)

Oh, don't get me wrong, I think Woojin is sexy hot, just not likable O.o...lol
And yes, I just love how brave and righteous Taemin has been since he was a little boy; how he stepped forward to defend Woojin from being bullied and from his abusive mom, even though he himself was just a little kid dealing with an abusive father, how he faced his father's debt and worked tirelessly to pay it without becoming bitter, how he didn't put up with shit at school when he started being bullied as Siwon and most especially, how he walked into that storage room, despite knowing he was at a disadvantage, to avenge Siwon's rape; how can anyone not love him! :)

Reading mangas and manhwas, bullying is really a prevalent theme. I know it's common, but is bullying in school today really this bad? I find it so disturbing that young adults even think of rape as a form of humiliation. There's bullying in my school here in or country (Philippines) but I want to think that it's not as bad as this. Reality is just so fucked up. It breaks my heart.

Bullying in the United States is also prevalent, and even though our society is not as passive as depicted in the Mangas and Manhwas (parents do protest, people get prosecuted and the system strives for education on the subject), we still have yet to effectively deal with it. Homosexual, obese, introverted, and ethnic children/teenagers in homogenous micro-societies get bullied everyday without remedy, 6000+ suicides per year as a result of bullying and over 14% of high school students have considered suicide because of it, not including the hate crimes committed as a result of homophobia and racism; so I would argue that it is a serious problem in the US (and probably on a global level) simply because it is innate of human nature, which is indeed a fucked up aspect of humanity....and it brakes my heart as well ╥﹏╥.
Thank you for contributing to the topic! :)
WTF? This chapter is an emotional crusher for many reasons, some of which people seem to not care at all...!
1. I am devastatingly disappointed in Siwoon/Woo-jin. I mean, what kind of human being has he become that he watches an innocent boy being raped and he feels nothing? This guy's sense of empathy/sympathy is non-existent, which is the complete opposite of what Taemin is! Also, his admission that the video had been in circulation before confirms that he indeed knew about it, even if he had not watched it at the time... !! >:[
2. How did he know about Taemin's accident? how was he notified? because Taemin didn't know anything about him since he disappeared from the slums as a child. Does that mean that Woojin knew of Taemin's whereabouts all that time, but didn't contact him? if that is the case, why didn't he help his "beloved" friend? why didn't he help Taemin escape the poverty and pay for that crippling debt Taemin finished paying off on the day of the accident? Why is he acting all possessive now, claiming how important Taemin is to him, when he utterly completely failed as a friend when it mattered the most?...!! >:[
3. What did Siwon do so wrong that he died but Taemin survived? I mean, Am I, and a couple of others here, the only ones devastated over his death? even though we don't really got to know him, we know enough to realize he was a victim of bullying, that he was raped, that his evil brother hated him, and that he was so traumatized that he gave up on life. I'm typing here and can't stop thinking about him, I feel like bawling my eyes out for poor innocent Siwon!
4. It must be a tremendous blow for poor Taemin to know that his real body is no more, that his corporeal self is gone and that he will be forever stuck in Siwon's body, living someone else's life, that nobody but Woojin/Siwoon on the entire earth will know about him, who he is, his identity as Taemin is really no more. It wrecks my mind to think about it, to imagine myself in his place, shit, I can't really wrap my mind around it. I totally empathize with Taemin here, his shock is very realistic. I guess that before learning this devastating truth, Taemin had hope that he would be able to return to his body; his flashback to when he was consoling Woojin as a kid hints at how traumatized/desolate he feels right now, with the same intensity of Woojin's suffering at that moment when Taemin found him unconscious in that locked room as a kid; Taemin is suffering now and it is Woojin doing the consoling.
5. Some readers, prior the release of this episode, believed that Woojin/Siwoon "knew for sure" that Taemin was inside Siwon's body; however, at the end of this chapter, we know that Woojin/Siwoon thinks/wishes for this with all his heart because of everything that has happened, but he will not know for sure until Siwon/Taemin admits it to him. This is why he challenged Taemin/Siwon. If Taemin is able to keep up the facade in front of Woojin, if he never admits that he is Taemin, then Woojin will let him go. This is because Woojin desperately wants his suspicion to be confirmed by Taemin. As long as Taemin refuses to admit it, there is a still a chance that Woojin is wrong and Woojin knows this and it's probably driving him crazy. So no, contrary to what some readers believe, Woojin is not 100% sure that Taemin is inside Siwon's body, he won't be, until Taemin admits it to him by either verbally confirming to him, or by slipping up, doing or saying something that only Taemin would know.
Overall, I still ship these two, but right now, at this point, I think that Taemin is spiritually, morally superior to Woojin. I just can't root for an emotionless protagonist that can remain unmoved when watching an innocent boy being raped, especially when the person he claims to "love" above all others is the kindest most empathetic and bravest person that will never stand by or remain unmoved by any type of injustice, much the less the rape of an innocent person. I love Tamin with all my heart, but I really don't like Woojin right now. The Manhwaga has to give me a good convincing background explanation for Woojin's coldness and neglect of Taemin, to like that boy again.
PS: I still ship Minjuun (green hair boy) and Hoon (his tall quiet friend) :D