Mmmm it’s complicated. In the beginning of S1 she does explain his distaste for him but at the same implicates that it’s hard to stay away from him. Obviously he still cares about him to an extent but he prefers running away a lot more than staying. Now in season 2? That’s more mysterious to create mystery for the sake of the love triangle element
I hate TJ heavily. I love Ian and I already have seen the raw so I am not surprised about what happened. However I don’t love him as much as I used to. You made a stand against Tj saying he wasn’t the guy you were into meanwhile you are being shady yourself. Saying that he will get rid of someone for Tj and blah blah blah.
Look I get that if he chose Jo too early, it would create less material for season two so they are creating a red herring. But there’s better ways to do that. Such as changing the way season 1 ended. However I also understand that Ian can’t make a complete flip just like that and will have moment of weaknesses where he will go back to his old ways.
I see Tj as a drug for Ian. He’s not a good man for him nor do they show any type of growth in terms of character, however he’s familiar and part of a routine. Ian wants to change. And he is constantly attracted to Jo’s different world. A world that Ian desperately wants to be in. But the drug constantly tempts him. Reminding him of a past that used to be good and buildable. Ian desperately finding the man he used to be in love with but is only reminded of the reality that he is a part of the world Ian desperately wants to escape from.