*continuation because idk why it posted before i finish typing
Anyway, being with a nice and naive person is a big hurdle. You'll always seem like the bad guy (no one says you are, but you feel that way) and in reality that sucks??
You gotta have a shit ton of power to be with someone like that.....emotionally heavy on being able to accept and tell them to accept things thats are between your boundary, and that its important for them to protect it

I totally agree!!! Me and my friends always talk about this. It's especially hard for Minato since Shizuma is so unnecessarily accommodating to people even when he doesn't have to. I could never bear to be in a relationship with a person like that. It''s hard to be understanding but for them to just have no boundaries, its like you're sharing. What's worse is Shizuma has no boundaries even with strangers
I know someone whose a bit like shizuma. Its crazy, its crazy how he never sets boundaries. I remembered one of my friends say that "If i was in a relationship with him i would have to stay strong" and i called bs on that, cuz, for obv reasons, it hard to put that emotional burden on yourself. Secondly, is the fact that his boundary should include you too and if he lets people go over that boundary, its a big problem.
Being with a nice person and a naive person