I know seono got raped but when hirono said "does they feel the same way all this time? " ...

Evie January 10, 2017 11:26 am

I know seono got raped but when hirono said "does they feel the same way all this time? " confuse me. ..doest that means yuuma and seono like each other? Well.. Though the apologize letter is too simple to say when u stole someone happiness..

    KatzKun January 10, 2017 11:21 am

    The translation got lost here. In the original Japanese Hiroso said if Seono had always felt like this, being distant or different from the other two. In Seono's view, his brother Hirono and Yuuma. And now in Hirono's view, his brother and Yuuma are going away from him.

    KatzKun January 10, 2017 11:21 am
    The translation got lost here. In the original Japanese Hiroso said if Seono had always felt like this, being distant or different from the other two. In Seono's view, his brother Hirono and Yuuma. And now in H... KatzKun

    Autocorrect, Hirono not Hiroso

    Evie January 10, 2017 11:28 am

    Oh.. Arigato.. Now I hate yuuma for being too fake to love hirono.. If he loved him.. He would chase him after he disappear.. And will take care his child to lighten seono responsibility..

    annabis January 10, 2017 2:34 pm
    Oh.. Arigato.. Now I hate yuuma for being too fake to love hirono.. If he loved him.. He would chase him after he disappear.. And will take care his child to lighten seono responsibility.. Evie

    Ummmh, please excuse me, I dont get what are you talking about, im a lil dense. Why do you say now you hate Yuuma more? This manga is so subtle that Im confuse, maybe its my english is bad or the way of japanese to express is so vague..i dont know

    chottokenkamo January 10, 2017 4:56 pm
    The translation got lost here. In the original Japanese Hiroso said if Seono had always felt like this, being distant or different from the other two. In Seono's view, his brother Hirono and Yuuma. And now in H... KatzKun

    hey, this is the original translator. i was prob sleepy or whatev and read "aitsu" as "aitsura" and rolled with it. you ever read something and read it differently in your head? ME RIGHT HURR. thanks for bringing this to my attention. i corrected it and updated the links on our page.

    yomis January 11, 2017 6:04 pm

    I'm sorry I didn't even bother reading that shit