Its kinda frustrating that Maxi keeps having such a great character developmeng and then t...

Auriksfmew0 February 21, 2024 1:59 am

Its kinda frustrating that Maxi keeps having such a great character developmeng and then there's Riftan such an static and dull character

Honestly I just keep reading this because I love my girl Maxi

    SharkVice February 21, 2024 2:46 am

    Fr I keep waiting for Riftan to find out the truth that Maxi was confined and abused. He keeps thinking Maxi was raised very sheltered and protected with love and wealth which makes him treat her like glass. He always feels self-hatred whenever Maxi lifts even a cup cause he believes he forcefully took that comfy life from her. But all our girl actually wants is to be loved, appreciated, and have the freedom to do all the things she couldn't do before. So frustrating that he wants to make her happy by forcing his own ideals of what happiness means for her rather than listening to her.