Miaka February 20, 2024 10:40 pm

How this had such a high rating? I'm in ch 49 and I can not continue reading. The fucking seme put 3 bullets in the uke body. Kidnapped him and then proceeded to raped him not stop and we suppose to move on because hi said " I'm sorry ". What the fuck is In this author brain! I'm soon out of here

    Lebeccah February 20, 2024 10:48 pm

    If u read up to ch 49 u should continue its worth

    Cheeseycow February 20, 2024 10:49 pm

    Just not your story, ofc it was bad what he did but its the genre of the bl so people enjoy this story in this genre ig hate it or not I did enjoy the development personally maybe I've just become too good at looking past things also after that whole part mc kinda hates but loves ml like they really make up when they go do the hunter game in the woods so hope you don't think mc just forgave ml super easily as he didn't ig

    hope world ^ ♡ ^ February 20, 2024 11:07 pm

    Some readers find it addictive to read.. maybe thats why its high rating

    Miaka February 20, 2024 11:33 pm

    I find it difficult to accept the way these stories normalise abuse I guess. So i struggle with just look past it. I might let it rest until I'm no so annoy at it and continue . Thanks for all the replies

    ope1965 February 21, 2024 12:47 am

    This is exactly where I just stopped too. I was really pleased that despite the whole 'vicious obsessive mafia boss' trope, the sexual tension for the most part felt pretty natural and how MC was being proactive was so refreshing. And then idk the writer just lost their friggen mind or something. ML going "I don't ever want to see you again" and then spending a week freaking out bc he can't find him. MC not just saying the words "hey guess what I didn't know he was my father until like a week ago" when ML was ASKING HIM FOR AN EXCUSE and then literally the next morning going 'man I shoulda said something' like -- good job being self aware after the fact I guess. Uber mafia boss not suspecting his weird cousin is the friggen mole. Leading up to that TRAVESTY of shock-value bullshit when we could have had some hot consensual sex, I just. The fuck.

    Miaka February 21, 2024 2:40 pm
    This is exactly where I just stopped too. I was really pleased that despite the whole 'vicious obsessive mafia boss' trope, the sexual tension for the most part felt pretty natural and how MC was being proactiv... ope1965

    You just summarized my feelings exactly. And the reason why it pissed me off so much. Why the author had to go down such a fucking horrible route and then tried to comeback to " it's a romantic story ". The story was great and then they drop this shit on us. I'm so disappointed