this was should I call it...promising and disappointing at the same time... th...

Mimiru February 20, 2024 10:37 am

this was should I call it...promising and disappointing at the same time...
there were many really great themes and motifs in there...but in then the loose ends didn't match up, and it was like "okay that's how it is, okay then" ...and nothing was solved and there was no revelation...and still don't know about the pitch black sea within jeonnie...because at the end he wasn't even plot twist "there was nothign going on from the very beginning, and there is no explanation for why he is a mad dog" real....?! ...what's the point of the story then?

    ifonly May 7, 2024 8:24 am

    I agree! I found the plot twist fitting of Do Jiyoon’s manipulative tendencies, but it renders the black sea metaphor pointless. Also, this just means Jaeha doesn’t truly know who his partner is and sort of validates his lack of trust in Espers