Hating the wife over mistress is such a weird behaviour those two was cheating on her know...

Sasa February 20, 2024 6:01 am

Hating the wife over mistress is such a weird behaviour those two was cheating on her knowingly but she gets to be called favourite cursed word lol

    Haloeyes(๑・◡・๑) July 24, 2024 1:28 am

    Not at all hating but didn’t the wife say she also had lovers?

    Aventurine July 24, 2024 6:08 am
    Not at all hating but didn’t the wife say she also had lovers? Haloeyes(๑・◡・๑)

    Wasn't it because how her husband acting? And the mistress shouldn't be the one to judge he actually had the least right to do it

    Haloeyes(๑・◡・๑) July 24, 2024 2:58 pm
    Wasn't it because how her husband acting? And the mistress shouldn't be the one to judge he actually had the least right to do it Aventurine

    She said she would increase the amount of lovers she has, so I’m guessing she already had lovers. Tho I still don’t think the “mistress” is one to blame. It should be the man who steps out of the marriage and seeks out other people.

    Aventurine July 25, 2024 6:56 am
    She said she would increase the amount of lovers she has, so I’m guessing she already had lovers. Tho I still don’t think the “mistress” is one to blame. It should be the man who steps out of the marria... Haloeyes(๑・◡・๑)

    Nope mistress is also wrong I hate this trend they say blame just the man. The third wheel is also equally blamed. Again wasn't she acting like that to get her husband attention? And again the mistress isn't in no place to call anyone a cursed word specially the wife when he's in a position he shouldn't be in the first place. Also he didn't know the Wife actually had lovers but was aware he's a mistress to his boyfriend but still thought he had a right to villinaize her.