She didn’t know it while it was happening tho. The producer was telling the story in past tense and never said she knew it WHILE the woman was actively poking holes in the condoms, so it’s safe to say that she only knew it after the girl got pregnant but I do agree that she has no empathy knowing that he was the victim in this.
So the girl was poking holes inside the condoms and the producer knew and didn't tell Jin anything yet she calls him trash/monster for telling the girl to abort it and that he would not acknowledge the child...ARE YOU FUCKIN FR HE GOT BABY TRAPPED AT A YOUNG AGE HE DIDN'T WANT A CHILD THAT'S WHY HE WORE CONDOMS HE NEVER WENT IN RAW THAT GIRL FORCED A CHILD ON HIM...what they did to him Traumatized him to the point where he got a vasectomy so no other crazy obsessed bitch does that to him again girl you and that lady that baby trapped him are trash/monster wtf