😭 Sadge for her. Bruh this is what I wrote, tf is wrong with that first comment lol.

SingleLifeisToughInYour20's February 19, 2024 7:41 pm

Sadge for her.
Bruh this is what I wrote, tf is wrong with that first comment lol.

    Blcklights March 18, 2024 5:52 am

    Hahah I love your username

    SingleLifeisToughInYour20's March 20, 2024 10:01 am
    Hahah I love your username Blcklights

    Well thank you ! Hhh, it really is tough, when you meet people you gotta observe them so much too in the beginning, ask yourself if they just want to use you, are they here to abuse you, k*ll you or are they genuinely looking for a partner, and then you gotta research if they just want ANY partner and anybody, or if they actually love YOU and no one else, also do they respect you enough not to break your trust and heart, are they smart enough to know they must be clean or else they stink, are they macho? Do they expect you to carry them for their whole lifetimes like their mom or are they responsible enough to care for their own selves and know that a couple is in a partnership to help each other out and cherish one another, care for each other, or else do they plan on playing the false incompetence game where they suddenly have two left feet and two left arms, also, do they work like you do and if you gain more than them are they normal humans so they simply accept it and move on with their lives or do they get jealous of you, are you in a partnership or is everyday a competition to them? They just wanna win against you as if you're their energy even though you're always there for them, are they shallow enough to only care for the surface and forgo the substance? Would any cute girl make them want to cheat (knowing that the one who's in a relationship and cheats either way is the bad guy.) Haa, also how are their family members, you never know. Do they just scream all day long, judge you, are hyper negative, only worry for their "darling son" and also see you as the one who took him away, yeah those are weirdos. So yup, many things to think about, oh and intelligent enough to be logical and not to all of a sudden after 10 years of marriage, tell me "The earth is flat."
    And all of these are people I have met IRL be it friendships, relationships or even some family members that are really far from me...I'm tired, oh and someone who won't beat us up when they get jealous, a healthy human who respects me just as I respect him sigh, how is this even too much? Someone compassionate with humans and animals and plants, not extremely either..protects me as I protect him...etc
    What do you say about these sky high standards apparently. Apparently girls wanting the normal and same man is too much for guys, how dare we wish for someone who won't hit us and will respect us, and to top it off smart enough to know his panties from mine, damn, that's so tough, and to expect them to wash their own dishes since we live together, oh darn that's so much work, so impossible sigh, I never even think about the physical attraction since they don't allow me too, imagine I say I like blonde hair or smth, they're gonna start whining (waaahhh women want us to taint our hair now too!!!) Tsk, they're so trash.

    JulyInAugust March 25, 2024 6:01 am
    Well thank you ! Hhh, it really is tough, when you meet people you gotta observe them so much too in the beginning, ask yourself if they just want to use you, are they here to abuse you, k*ll you or are they ge... SingleLifeisToughInYour20's

    There's no shame in not dating. Dating out of loneliness is like grocery shopping while hungry anyway, you pick up trash and then regrets.
    If you worry that much before even meeting someone it just means you're not ready for a relationship. I've been there, trust me there's no point in rushing. Your concerns are valid but shouldn't be your concerns before starting a relationship.
    Let things happen when they'll happen, first you need to learn to stop thinking too far into the future. Dating isn't like choosing a career path, you shouldn't plan too far ahead. A career path is like sailing a boat with a determined travel route while dating is like throwing yourself into the water and letting the current carry you until destination or until you get out because you don't want it anymore.
    Best luck to you out there.