we *are* 50 chapters in without any substantial character development on both Dan and jjk's side, so i don't think it's too early. i personally don't think (and hope) that dan and jjk's falling out will have much to do with a love rival. i think it'll have something to do with Dan's grandma dying > Dan being unable to fix jaekyung's jinx as a result > jaekyung losing to jumin and getting pissy > Dan finally going ":O he's such an awful person to not give a shit about my dead grandma..." and leaving jjk's ass. where the weird kidnapping plotline fits in here, i have no idea.
if there is going to be a love rival, it might be like the one in BJ Alex where *after* Dan leaves jjk's ass, jjk begins to regret his actions but Dan seems to have another man (who's an infinitely better person than jjk) vying for his attention. this would lead jjk to becoming more desperate to get Dan back asap and blah blah, you know the drill.

this is what everyone says but personally i doubt dan will leave jaekyung's ass this way. even though he was a horrible person, he's still kinda a savior to dan. given dan's personality, he will remember jaekyung as the person that was there for him at his worst. jaekyung settled his debt, gave him a job, and gave him a much more decent living situation. also while on the money subject, i think dan will remember that he has a debt owed to jaekyung so that will make him more hesitant to leave unless he paid it off or something, or if dan tries to, jaekyung will possibly remind him of that. i honestly don't see any way out for dan unless it's a painter behind the curtain situation where (SPOILERS!!!!! if you're trying to read it stop now) the uke was kidnapped and dropped off in a new place. anyway, that's one of the reasons why i'm still reading, bc we know the tropes and cliches of this kind of story and we know jaekyung WILL grovel, and i'm just curious how the author will pull it off.
baek jumin u better be good if not (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻