exactly my thoughts! we know that Ophelia's parents appreciated Emilia, the mother even collapsed when Emilia left the house, but suddenly she was harsh to Emilia in childhood?? maybe it was already planned in the story and their relationship got better in time, but together with the change of art, it feels as if the storyline also changed from what was planned previously...

OMG I totally forgot about that!!! But yeah ever since the new art EVERYTHING from the characters to the writing itself is all wonky and all over the place. At first I honestly had to read the chapters a few times because I thought it was a whole new manhwa that was similar but once I saw the names of the characters
i love the new art tho i prefer the old one better. still idk if its just me but the tone of the plot changed. the charas feel like they have diff personalities now it bothers me a little but ill let the manhwa cook