Any novel reader here?

jamme82736 February 19, 2024 5:52 am

I'm thinking of buying most of bl novel book based on good manwha, webtoon, or manga story or just some good novel book. For instance, like "heaven official blessing", "Unseen Immortal for 300 Years", "turning", "The Fallen Duke & the Knight Who Hated Him", and "Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess". I search for some, but only found heaven official blessing novel. I want the English version one for all of them, but could not find any on online store.

    Xai February 19, 2024 6:32 am

    Of the ones you listed I only know Heaven Official's Blessing, Turning, and The Fallen Duke and the Knight who Hated Him. As you know, HOB has an official English translation, but the other two don't afaik. They do have unofficial ones, but I wasn't sure if you were looking for those.

    Sorry I couldn't help more!

    jamme82736 February 19, 2024 6:53 am
    Of the ones you listed I only know Heaven Official's Blessing, Turning, and The Fallen Duke and the Knight who Hated Him. As you know, HOB has an official English translation, but the other two don't afaik. The... Xai

    It okay. I know there are novel that is translated in english online where you can read for free, but I'm looking for the actual physical novel book to buy. I was just wondering if there are physical one that are in English, in hope it might be somewhere. Maybe there is the original one, but just not translate yet.

    jamme82736 February 19, 2024 6:58 am
    Of the ones you listed I only know Heaven Official's Blessing, Turning, and The Fallen Duke and the Knight who Hated Him. As you know, HOB has an official English translation, but the other two don't afaik. The... Xai

    Ugh, I misread the last sentence. By unofficial one you are talking about the physical novel book right? In your opinion, do you think I should get the unofficial one or wait for it to be translated?

    Romu February 19, 2024 10:17 am

    From what you have listed only HOB has an officially released book in English. You can recommend these titles to publishers and hope that they get licensed. Otherwise you can look for the books in their original language and get a copy.

    jamme82736 February 22, 2024 3:19 am
    From what you have listed only HOB has an officially released book in English. You can recommend these titles to publishers and hope that they get licensed. Otherwise you can look for the books in their origina... Romu

    Okay, thanks