Who to Choose?

sechan February 19, 2024 5:20 am

Who would you choose?
Someone who like you? or Someone you like?

I have someone I like but I know they don’t like me back the same intensity as I have and I could feel it because of the actions they gave but the sexual tension is there, it wasn’t meant for a relationship to prosper to have.

And then there comes the person who like me back but I wasn’t attracted to them as I did in the first one but the person gives me reassurance and peace and I could tell that it’ll be lasting however it wasn’t as intense as the first one

But I decided to choose the latter because I feel like maybe at some point Id feel that intense feeling someday, that I just havent started or we have just started. And falling for this person is worth it than someone who wont stay.

Anyway if you have to choose, what would you choose? What are your views on this? Someone you like or someone who like you?

    RANDY✿~ February 19, 2024 5:25 am

    Not at lot of people have had crushes on me, so personally I would choose the person who likes me.
    I’ve heard of multiple people who started dating someone they weren’t necessarily attracted to, and they seemed really happy in their relationship.
    But, do what you truly feel is best

    Eurus February 19, 2024 6:24 am

    As someone who, at the time, chose the person I liked instead of the person who liked me... I would say it was worth it.

    With the latter, I was comfortable but I also felt guilty bc I couldn't reciprocate the same intensity of their feelings. It didn't sit right with me and it seemed like I wss just settling so it really wasn't good for either of us.

    With the person I liked however, I liked them so much I couldn't breathe so I pursued them. They liked me back. We dated for 2 years. Even though it ended, I had no regrets. I knew what I wanted, and even if they rejected me back then, I would still choose them over and over again.

    I think you choosing the safer bet is also fair. Ultimately, it all boils down to what kind of relationship you want and the efforts you'll put in to make that relationship work so all the best!