That's not what they're saying What they are saying is that the future is not certain for them to stick together Justin is so clueless he doesn't understand they're both bisexual Ian is clear how he feels about Justin is was more of him Being in denial and This is more closer to home In other words this is more closer to what happens in reality versus all the stupid Un realistic BL out there because in my Circle when you are bisexual or gay finding yourself and you and your bestie have feelings for each other you're not going to act Overly dramatic with passion your just going to test the waters and If you're Lucky enough To hit jackpot With the 1st person Which is extremely rare especially in a same sex relationship I like you have a better chance Getting Literally winning jackpot then to end up with your bestie. Luckily this actually happened to someone close to me and they're happy together
I thought this was slow burn ngl guess I was wrong because there's no pay-off lol the ending was honestly "I love you as a best friend but let's see maybe there could be more."