TBF Euihyun hasn’t necessarily fallen for the ML yet either. He’s tried to keep his distance from the ML, but has needed to rely on him in S2 for reasons that are apparent if you read the story. ML has come to terms with this and hasn’t touched Euihyun since he gained character growth. Obv this does not excuse the rape or abuse earlier on, BUT S2 of the story has really turned things around. I don’t like dubcon or rape in stories ever, and usually drop them if it has it…but if it’s something you can look past, this story is actually pretty decent. I love Euihyun as a character, and his journey and character development has kept me pretty invested. Obv it’s up to you though if you want to give the story a chance.
Before I touch this webtoon can somebody tell me if the top ever rapes the bottom? I’ve been avoiding this webtoon for months because of the rape tag but I’ll read it if I know it’s not the TOP doing the act and it’s someone else entirely