What? You guys think that Shizuma is in the wrong? He is very kind yes, but that doesn't m...

Gree February 19, 2024 12:23 am

What? You guys think that Shizuma is in the wrong? He is very kind yes, but that doesn't mean he ultrapassed some boundary. If you want someone to blame, blame the director. "She's" a bit too much clueless, but even her is not in the wrong, bcuz I guess she doesn't know shizuma has a bf, if she does know that's just fucked up. I think Minato's brother are right, Minato shouldn't be trying to change the easy-going way of his bf, but trust him bcuz shizjma doesn't have eyes for no one else and will always return to his side

    CertifiedVillianFucker February 19, 2024 12:30 am

    I definitely see where you’re going, and I think the director doesn’t know since no one had really brought it up to them but hopefully Shizuma brings it up

    kareot February 19, 2024 1:28 am

    nah even if shizuma doesn’t have a boyfriend, the fact that the boss was extremely unprofessional still stands. having a boyfriend or not, her actions are still not okay. she also abuses her power to make rookies do odd errands like buying her favourite pastries etc.