1. I need dragon sex (i thought the tail would be out to good use but not enough) 2. Id le...

senaxeth February 19, 2024 12:06 am

1. I need dragon sex (i thought the tail would be out to good use but not enough)
2. Id let the king fck Alexander just to see Shio's hurt face
3. Id fck his majesty too

    Honeymoon April 12, 2024 6:30 pm

    If I had to say anything wrong with this plan it would be number two, due to the father son relationship. Sho may think differently but Alexander sees a father in the king lol

    Although I full heartedly agree with your other points.

    Honeymoon April 12, 2024 6:31 pm

    If I had to say anything wrong with this plan it would be number two, due to the father son relationship. Sho may think differently but Alexander sees a father in the king lol

    Although I full heartedly agree with your other points.