Is communicating that hard like-

YaYu_OiRi February 18, 2024 5:41 pm

Is communicating that hard like-

    Heero February 18, 2024 10:07 pm

    I understand it honestly, cuz like imagine not being able to say whats on your mind for your ENTIRE life and suddenly u have to communicate every single thing while thinking you are a nuisance to them its pretty hard

    Deez nutz February 18, 2024 11:34 pm

    High key yes

    Hush_00 February 21, 2024 2:52 pm
    I understand it honestly, cuz like imagine not being able to say whats on your mind for your ENTIRE life and suddenly u have to communicate every single thing while thinking you are a nuisance to them its prett... Heero

    That is true but they are in a relationship now and have not only known each other for just a few weeks. Is bad character development. And authors mostly add miscommunication so the readers have something to feed on. On top of that, Ash should be good with communication, if I understood his character right. I love both characters but honestly is nothing more than miscommunication. Good way to go into an unhealthy relationship. Won’t last long too. For me personally it makes it less enjoyable but that’s a taste thing. :0