
I don’t care about that redemption arc if ever there will be one. I won’t be satisfied unless he will end up more pitiful than the uke. No, just typing this, I’m realizing that it will still not be enough. You have to die at least once, maybe you will be a tiny tiny (like one grain of rice)slightly bit acceptable as a less less less human being.
Fuckers. I hate that Mido, I hate Hyeon (Mido’s bro). I fucking hate them, because how dare they? I’m thinking that this whole seme drama thing is a big misunderstanding. So, fuck you from the bottom of my heart. I’ll never like semes or ukes who hurt their partners physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I’m fine with possessive or maybe the healthy obsessed men but not these ones. Just fucking go to jail or die, or go through what you did with your partner, I bet you’ll be shitting blood and vomiting shit and piss.